
Hey ho, led's go! by Darklite [web]

    .___             __   .__  .__  __          
  __| _/____ _______|  | _|  | |__|/  |_  ____  
 / __ |\__  \\_  __ \  |/ /  | |  \   __\/ __ \ 
/ /_/ | / __ \|  | \/    <|  |_|  ||  | \  ___/ 
\____ |(____  /__|  |__|_ \____/__||__|  \___  >
 2008\/     \/           \/we-still-singalong\/ 
Wild demo: "Led's go!"                          
Credits: o.f, Response, Spexzter & Zaronix      
Released at: Kindergarden 2008                  
Visit us at www.darklite.org / [email protected]
Made using 350 leds split onto 16 different     
custom made circuitboards. Several thousand     
parts and connections alltogether is used for   
this simple presentation.                       
What you see is videotaped realtime - some of it
is sound-controlled and some of it is manually  
synced using wires and switches.                
- First tune by Spexzter made using Fruityloops.
- Second and third tune(s) by Zaronix made using
ScaleTracker, both chiptunes.                   
   - greetings to all kindergarden visitors -   