
pain (01/98) by Pain Staff [web]

█│ PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 01/98 - 5th year    │  ■  │ ███ │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Release Date: 10-Jan-1998             Release Time: 00:30                 │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ This time we got a completly new reason for our delay: we got too many    │█
█│ last minute articles and contributions !  But this doesn't mean that you  │█
█│ shouldn't write for PAiN. It tells you, that you should write for PAiN    │█
█│ now !                                                                     │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ With this issue, we entered the year of PAiN #5. Shit, I'm getting old... │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ No changes on the engine this time as it worked just fine (except on some │█
█│ outdated soundcards and for sloooow windows users.                        │█
█│ However, the obviouSS SSecret key to SSave an unneceSSary article to the  │█
█│ diSSk iSS SStill implemented.                                             │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Have fun, and don't forget to flood [email protected] with ALL news, votes,   │█
█│ hints, articles, potatoes and TITLE ANSIS !                               │█
█│                                                                         ┌╥┤█
███████████████████ Support the ODD swiss scene magazines !!!██████████████████