
GFX Converter by Oldskool

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|  .  Y   / .  |  ____|!   /.  Y  .  Y  |__
|  !  !  /\ !  |___ /  . _/ l  |  i  |  l  |
l_____l____\___i|   \__|  \____|_____!_____|

Proudly presents GBCONV.EXE a gfx converting utility
that converts PCX files to data that you can use when
coding the GameBoy.

I realy hate writing readmes so this is just something I put together
in 3 mins or so...

First of all. If you're into GB coding (which I assume) be
sure to check out the gb.asm file which contains some of my
standard routines I use when coding the GB.

How to use it:
First you need a picture. A PCX 320x200x256 will do (hmm, that's the
only format that's works by the way).
One important thing is how you use the palette. The converter
only converts the first 4 colors, pixels with other colors are ignored.

The easiest way to get a correct picture is to take the "useme.pcx"
that's included and modify it just DON'T change any color or use
any other color than them first 4 ones..

So, when you file is OK and you're ready to convert it to some
strange binary format that your GB understands just type
c:\>gbconv infile.pcx outfile.bin

OK, so now you have some gfx data ready to feed your gb with...
If your assembler supports binary includes then just include the
file in you source code and use it. If your asm. doesn't then
you must convert it to .db's.

So check out the SAMPLE dir it contains the gbfont.pcx, gbfont.bin and
gbfont.asm. The .asm is the binary .bin file converted to
.db's with my own bin2db converter (sorry, its to buggy to give away).

Hmm, well that's about it.. If you have any problems just
email me [email protected] and Ill help you out.

files included...
│   GBCONV.EXE		The executable converter
│   USEME.PCX		100% OK .pcx file for you to modify
│   README.HZ		This file
        ASM.BAT		.bat file to asm the sample with tasm
        GB.ASM		Collection of some great GB routines
			written by me. Feel free to use them
			but please gimme credit.
        GBFONT.ASM	The converted and bin2db'd picture
        GBFONT.BIN	The output from the converter.
        GBFONT.PCX	The picture (just a simple font)
        TASM69.TAB	The .tab file for tasm by Jeff F.
        CRC.EXE		A small gb header fixer also by Jeff
        SAMPLE.ASM	The source code for the sample
			just puts the picture and some text on the screen
        SAMPLE.BOY	Assembled ready to run sample

Greetings to:
RiP, Mumbly and CyberGod
A complete greetings list would just be boring.