Arachnophobia #21 by Spiders-Crew & Raiders Of The Lost Empire [web] & The ArachnoPhobia Staff [web]
ArachnoPhobia #21 by the "Spiders-Crew" and "ROLE" Title: "5th year anniversary" Release date: 1 August 2001 You don't have it yet? Download it at -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ArachnoPhobia by Spiders-Crew and ROLE Hello, WELCOME to the electronic ArachnoPhobia votesheet. REMEMBER that it isnÆt allowed to vote for US, YOURSELF, YOUR GROUP or ANY of your groupÆs PRODUCTIONS (magazines, trackmoÆs,etc). RETURN THIS ELECTRONIC VOTESHEET TO [email protected] Please spread it to your friends who are in the C64 scene!!! Signed: Stirf/Spiders-Crew/ROLE & ROJ/Spiders-Crew -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please fill-out... BEST DEMOGROUP Demogroup 1 -> Demogroup 2 -> Demogroup 3 -> Demogroup 4 -> Demogroup 5 -> Demogroup 6 -> BEST DEMO Demo 1 -> Demo 2 -> Demo 3 -> Demo 4 -> Demo 5 -> Demo 6 -> BEST CODER Coder 1 -> Coder 2 -> Coder 3 -> Coder 4 -> Coder 5 -> Coder 6 -> BEST GRAPHICIAN Gfx 1 -> Gfx 2 -> Gfx 3 -> Gfx 4 -> Gfx 5 -> Gfx 6 -> BEST MUSICIAN Msx 1 -> Msx 2 -> Msx 3 -> Msx 4 -> Msx 5 -> Msx 6 -> BEST OTHER GROUP Othergr 1 -> Othergr 2 -> Othergr 3 -> Othergr 4 -> Othergr 5 -> Othergr 6 -> BEST MAGAZINE Mag 1 -> Mag 2 -> Mag 3 -> Mag 4 -> Mag 5 -> Mag 6 -> BEST GAME Games 1 -> Games 2 -> Games 3 -> Games 4 -> Games 5 -> Games 6 -> BEST COVER DESIGNER Coverdes 1 -> Coverdes 2 -> Coverdes 3 -> Coverdes 4 -> Coverdes 5 -> Coverdes 6 -> BEST WEBSITE Website 1 -> Website 2 -> Website 3 -> Website 4 -> Website 5 -> Website 6 -> BEST SWAPPER Swapper 1 -> Swapper 2 -> Swapper 3 -> Swapper 4 -> Swapper 5 -> Swapper 6 -> BEST SCENEFRIEND Scenefriend 1 -> Scenefriend 2 -> Scenefriend 3 -> Scenefriend 4 -> Scenefriend 5 -> Scenefriend 6 -> BEST DEMOPARTY Demoparty 1 -> Demoparty 2 -> Demoparty 3 -> Demoparty 4 -> Demoparty 5 -> Demoparty 6 -> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Voted by -> Groups -> Birthday -> Day of filling -> E-mail -> Personal www -> http:// Group www -> http:// Group 2nd www -> http:// Ftp site -> ftp:// Jobs in the scene (tick) -> coder cover designer cracker fixer graphician html coder leader/organiser mageditor musician swapper other -> Would you like to be interviewed? YES/NO Use the rest of the space for: ReAcTiOnS, AdVeRtS, MeSsAgEs, NeWs, MeMbEr StAtUs, AdDiEs, JoKeS aNd OtHeR sTuFf... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Send this textfile back to [email protected] Thank you...... for your time...... The ArachnoPhobia Editors... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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