Suga by Fit [web]
╒═══════════════════╤╕ ╒═══════════════════╤╕ │ ╒╤════════════════╧╛ │ ╒╤════════════════╧╛ │ ╘╧══════╤╕ ╒═╤╕ ╒═╤╕ │ ││ ╒═══╤╕ ╒═══════╤╕ ───────────────╘═══════╕ ││─│ ││─│ ││─│ ││─╘═╕ ││─│ ╒╤══╕ ││────────────────── ╒═══════╛ ││ │ ╘╧═╛ ││ │ ╘╧═══╛ ││ │ ││ │ ││ │ ╒╤══════╧╛ ╘══════╧╛ ╘════════╧╛ ╘═╧╛ │ ││ ╘═╧╛ ╘═╧╛ A 64Kß ¡NΓR0 ƒ0R A$M'9S ßY F¡Γ SERIOUS ISSUES ─ ────────── ─ SUGA requires about 550kB of free DOS memory, no XMS or EMS is required. GUS 'or' SB owners can 'enjoy' 'the' 'music'. VGA & 386 are also supported (and highly recommended). Only TVGA-modes are used, since chain-4 suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Coding by Pete, Music by Parc/Computer Boys, Graphics (none) by Zebra, Shit (this text) and Bullshit (The music routine) by Marq, Objects by Yzi. KUMINEN VESINOKKAELÄIN ─ ────────────────── ─ Ostin tässä lapinreissulla kumisen vesinokkaeläimen. Se oli aika vitun hieno. Eikä ollut edes kallis 17.50FIM. Valitetta- vasti menin lainaamaan sitä siskolleni. Kun pääsin armeijasta ensimmäiselle lomalle, niin vastassa oli järkytys - se oli aivan hajalla! Näinkin voi käydä. GREENTHINGS ─ ─────── ─ Fascination (espesiaalisesti Apeli & Prager), Suovula/VV, MP (Vinyl!), Kuningas/Kohtu, Shack!!!productions (yms.), The Funky IceCream Machine (expegially XXXXX, Mikey OH, Atn & Jay), Turo, Mare/Kinky, Zenon, Napalm, MPa, Ari Salmi, Eye-Q & muut hassunhauskat ketkut. FIT CONTACT ADDRESSES ─ ───────────────── ─ Now that you've seen this unbelievable program, you'd probably like to contact us. Well, that shouldn't be too tough, since there are several ways to do so. Snailmail: Fit Vammala section 12345 Wasa Ruotsi-Suomi EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-mail: Marq/Fit EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHEHHEEEEE Distribution sites: Bitter's paradise 7800-PHONG-POLYS <*** End of Life ***>
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