Sneeze by Scarab Corpse [web]
Scarab Corpse presents: Sneeze (final version) Ah.. Nice.. .Our first release.. Placed 2nd and all, not that bad, I sincerly apologize for the late arrival of this final version, but school's taking up quite a lot of time, and I've been busy learning new routines from my menthors lately.. =) Anyhow, I've changed some of the sync, some gfx has changed, and a scrolly in the end-sequence has been added, the waiting for the greetlist from the members is one part of the delay.. The actual reason why the demo got it's name "sneeze" is because I managed to get a cold during the party, lot's of paper tissues all over the place.. Quite cozy anyhow.. Actually this was first called a dentro, somehow I didn't know that dentros had a limit of 256k, anyway it's called a demo from now on to make everybody happy.. Also we need to straighten out a few things, most of the graphics in this demo are color-reduced and doesn't look it's best at all. So it's definately not the fault of the artists, it's the fault of the 256 color limit. Credits: All code by: Cloaked Alien Music by: Archangel Landscape, birds, aliens, ufos, fish, sun, moon and landscape font by: Grylen Frantic logo (intro) and small scc-logo in end sequence by: Toaster End-part scc-logo and scrolly font by: Gooe Ansi scc-logo by: Fat Pacifist Please enjoy, and tell us what you think at: [email protected] or: [email protected] All comments appreciated! Induvidual artist e-mails can also be requested from our mail-account!... //Cloaked Alien (coder/founder/organizer)
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