

░░░░░blah.com...gyr's entry in this 256 byte compo
░░░░ what is this?
░ think about something blowing up and then look at this thing.  it
░ might start to make sense.  if after such an obvious hint you still
░ can't figure out what it is, then it's an apple, i dare you to eat it.
░░░░ why is this shit being entered?
░ why not.  it's rather small, and it does look rather nice.  especially
░ the background.  such a nice little thing should be shared around.
░░░░ how come there are two names on this entry?
░ well, we're damn good at bouncing code back and forward and improving
░ it no-end each time.  trying to put a name to some of this stuff would
░ be like trying to collect all the air people have breathed out since
░ 1978.  so it's easier to say it's from both of us.
░  well, there aren't two names on it anymore, thus negating anything i
░  said above, but it's such a nice piece of bullshit ;)
░░░░ who are you people, and why aren't you both locked up?
░ i'm gyr...he's zoon.  we like to code.  we have fun that way.  it's
░ holidays in oz right now, so we've got nothing better to do.  so why
░ not code something for some kind of compo?  blerk..it made sense at
░ the time.
░░░░ where'd you come up with this?
░ from ponderance over tomh's explosion.
░░░░ i think you're a crap coder.
░ so do i.
░░ i suppose we should say something profound...something profound.