Rotaliator by Dubius
- Rotaliator - Copyright (C) 1996 Dubius - * Attended at Skenery '96 * 1. C O P Y R I G H T L I C E N S E This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination of products or services including this product without our authorization and official written license. Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited. This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or modified without the permission of the author. You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this software. 2. R E Q U I R E M E N T S - 486DX or better (P75 recommended) - 5300k of extended memory - 300k of base memory - Use 'rotalia s' to enter the sound setup - GUS memory 256k-1024k (more memory = better sound quality) - For SB, additional 1024k of EMS/VCPI is required (for max sound quality), and 500k of base memory. 3. C R E D I T S Vector Engine, Music Player & all code .... Tremor Music ..................................... Nitro Speech .................................... Teque/DEE Graphics .................................. Nitro (end picture) .................................. Tonic (fonts) 3D-Modelling&Keyframing ................... Tremor ................... Nitro PMODE/W ................................... Tran&Daredevil - Special thanks to Petteri Kaski (void/Hysteria) for giving his information about 3DS-files and mathematical stuff related to them, and for helping with 3d-graphics (shadows mainly..) + for help with lots of misc stuff. 4. M E M B E R L I S T Handle | Name | Function --------------------------------------------------- Tremor | Allan Perämäki | Code Nitro | Kai-Eerik Komppa | Music Tonic | Jetro Lauha | Graphics/Code Assassin | Jussi Ryynänen | Trader Sol | Jari Komppa | Code/WHQ Sysop --------------------------------------------------- 5. P R O D U C T I O N S * Optimal Torque - 8th at Assembly'95 demo * State of Hate - 4th at The Party 5 demo * Magic View - 2nd at Abduction'96 demo * Machines of Madness - 1st at Assembly'96 demo * Rotaliator - 5th at Skenery'96 demo 6. G R E E T I N G S Dubius greets: A-Men PC, B!C, Capacala, The Coexistence, Dark Legions, Dee, Deus Ex Machina, Fascination, Five Coders, Fraction, Goto10, Hypervibe, Hysteria, J.F.F, Majic 12, Nail, Orange, Pulse, SorroX, Substance, sYmptom, Valhalla, Xtacy, Xtatic Personal Greetings from Tremor: All Dubius & DEE members, Void/Hysteria, Unreal/Pulse, Reve/Five Coders, all Kinky members Personal Greetings from Nitro: Dee: Sol,!Cube,Teque Fortune/Fascination, Wain/Spin, Peete/Substance, _Distance/Orange_, Kimble, Bartesek/POISON, Visualize/Jamm, all of Recreation, Gore/FC, Zine & Sandra B. Smith with other Zombie people:-) Also Greetings to all sysops of dist-sites! Personal Greetings from Tonic: All sYmptom, Dubius, Coc, DEE and tAAt members Phlebas, Void/HSA, Liket/Goto10, Jsa/DDG, Jiber/TDC, Weed/Coral, Nahkamuumi/tpolm, Reve/Five Coders, Beta/A-Men, Wog/A-Men, Zine/Escape, Distance/Orange, Tense, Kimble Personal Greetings from Assassin: Pzyko, Afrodite, Twister/M-Grape, Vige/Gasp Inc., Zine/Escape, Probe/Oxylon, Mice/Blend, Newsted, Squarepusher/Tehdas, Neemo/Kanisteri, Jiber/TDC, Bluesun/TDC, Swag/VDC, Idaho/FOV. Personal Greetings from Sol: All of Hysteria, All of Dubius, All of DEE Xenit of Aggression, The Joker of Crusaders, The Edge of Cascada, Shine of whadever yer group was, Liket of Goto10, Abyss of FC, Mystical of Purple, Beta of A-Whadever, Nahkakumimuumi of TPOLM, Pizza (the Venture SysOp), My random fleet of beta-testers, Amber, Jmango of Complex, Doom + Addict of doomsday, Saracen of EMF, Distance of Orange, Incognito + pGeist + Fthr + Haliliini-Otto + thefear + Psyq + ThaDragon + Charlatan + AntiByte + Bri_ + OS\2Man + all other #coders addicts, and finally, Mistril Starshine, where ever you are. 7. C O N T A C T I N G WHQ BBS: TRK +358-0-874 2789 v34 +358-0-857 4506 v32bis e-mail: Tremor: [email protected] Tonic: [email protected] [email protected] Sol: [email protected] Assassin: [email protected] Snailmail: Tremor Nitro Allan Peramaki Kai-Eerik Komppa Peramaentie 10 Peltokylantie 2 D 27 62300 Harma 00740 Helsinki Finland Finland Europe Europe (No demo swapping) Tonic Assassin Jetro Lauha Jussi Ryynanen Hansakallionkuja 3B10 Loheneva 3a FIN-02780 Espoo 02170 Espoo Finland Finland or call: Europe Europe Asylum +358-0-4209437 Sol Jari Komppa Laurintie 116 01400 Vantaa Finland Europe 8. D I S T S I T E S *Name: *Number: *Sysop: *Country: - WHQ: The Rekola Kingdom node 1 +358-0-8742789 - Sol - Finland The Rekola Kingdom node 2 +358-0-8574506 - TRK is currently under reconstruction, so please call Asylum if you only want files. - Member: The Asylum +358-0-4209437 - Assassin - Finland - Distsites: Codex +358-0-5121413 - Kimble - Finland Cloudcity +358-0-3403721 - Distance - Finland Galleria +358-81-5507265 - Turo - Finland Icezone +358-0-3952315 - Phobia - Finland Downtown +358-0-3474402 - Dose - Finland The UnReachable Paradise +358-0-660414 - - Finland CountZero +47-5512-2962 - Yitzhaq - Norway A.C.E +33-1-45887548 - Gandalf - France Power Challenge +45 97 25 01 17 - X-OTiC - Denmark X-PRESS +49-30-40632377 - Sinus - Germany X-PRESS +49-30-4013654 - Sinus - Germany NightSky +49-6104-923299 - Swapper - Germany NightSky +49-6104-929977 - Swapper - Germany Datura +31-77-3826795 - Demoralize-Holland Datura +31-77-3872195 - Demoralize-Holland AmberDawn +31-10-2160945 - Compile -Holland Please note that the finnish area codes will change from -0- to -9- from beginning of 1997. If you have an agreement with us, but your bbs is not on the list, please do contact us.
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