
Is it a dream? by VA-Design

   █████ ▄████     █████ █████     ▄███▄     ████▄ ████▄ █████ ▄███▄ █▄   ▄█
     █   █           █     █       █   █     █   █ █   █ █     █   █ ███▄███
     █   ▀███▄       █     █       █████     █   █ ████▀ ███   █████ █ ▀█▀ █
     █       █       █     █       █   █     █   █ █  █▄ █     █   █ █     █
   █████ ████▀     █████   █       █   █     ████▀ █   █ █████ █   █ █     █
║ Information ║

This is the demo "Is It a Dream" by VA─Design. 

All routines in the demo were coded during the time, when I (Valiant) was
learning PC-assembler. That's why you should not take this demo too seriously.
Maybe the hardware equipment required to run this demo perfecly is a little
too high. But since this is my very first production on the PC, I maybe don't 
know all the tricks yet, to make the routines as fast as possible. 

║ Requirements ║

We do know that this demo runs perfectly on a 486DX2-66Mhz (and higher).
We haven't been able to test it on slower machines, but my goal was to
make the demo run perfectly on all 486 and above.

This demo don't need so much base memory, but since I am using high memory
you probably need HIMEM.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS. We know that 555 776 bytes of
base memory is enough to start the demo with a SoundBlaster. If you have an
Ultrasound the demo will probably need less base memory.

║ Instructions ║

The first time you run the demo you will be asked about your soundcard.
The configuration you choose will be saved, so that you don't need to answer
these questions every time you want to enjoy our demo.
However, if you later would want to change the sound-config, just delete the 
file called "isitadrm.cfg" or run the file called "sndsetup.exe". 

║ The Credits ║

Code by Valiant
Music by Avenger
Graphics by Magnum
Fonts by Valiant

Music-player DemoVT 1.51 by JCAB of VangelisTeam/Iguana

║ To contact us ║

The quickest way to contact any of us, is to write an e-mail to me (Valiant).
The e-mail adress is: [email protected]

If you want to send an ordinary letter, you will find all the adresses at the
end of the demo.


See you all in our next production!

Copyright 1996