
Node by Mindware

                                   /|    /|
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                                 /  |  /  |
                                /   | /   | .
                               /____|/____| | n d
                                _____ _____
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                               | /   | /
                               |/    |/     a r e

                               r  e  l  e  a  s  e

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Title:          "Node"
Type:           Demo (OpenGL Accelerated)
Info:           This is the final release of PC demo, which was originally
                shown at the "Coma2" Demo Party in Montreal, Canada on
                September 2, 2000.  It came in 3rd place (out of 12).
Requires:       Win98 at 233mHz
                3d-accelerator (TNT) at 640x480x16
                OpenGL drivers with attenuation support (or the end is black!)
Recommend:      WinNT/2k at 500mHz
                GeForce (with July, 2000 "Detonator" drivers at 1024x768x32)
                Taco Bell in one hand, Mountain Dew in the other

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
[[[ OPTIONS ]]]

Fullscreen = -f
Resolution = -r <width> <height> <bits per pixel>
Quality    = -q <quality 1-10>

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
[[[ CREDITS ]]]

Code:           Tronster    [email protected] http://www.tronster.com/
                Moby Disk   [email protected]       http://www.mobydisk.com/

Gfx:            Perisoft    [email protected]    http://www.lightlink.com/davidw/
                Meg         [email protected]

Music:          Perisoft

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o This is the "final" version, and much cleaner than the party release.
o Thanks to Unkelben, and Apsod for throwing the Coma2 demo party.
o Greets:
	- Kneebiter, Thanks for putting us up for a night.
	- Creative Impact, The guys with the kick'n, tight code.
	- Suboptical, Most impressive jelly fish.  :)
	- DCB, You're nuts.  Don't change.
	- All of the coders, artists, and musicians at Coma2.
	- Nehe (nehe.gamedev.net), Essential tutorials.
	- Richard Wright, And his "OpenGL Superbible".
        - All the fine young men and women of the Taco Bell corporation for
          providing us with nourishment.