
Univormu by Skraappa! Skruuppi

            Tämä infofile ei sisällä yhtään suomenkielistä kirosanaa.


              Skraappa!Skruuppi's varsin official infofile about
                               UNIVORMU !

    A very aggressive HC/Industrial/Ambient/Mikälie-demo/inrto/dentro/loader


    This production is NOT Windows'95 compatible.
    About 400K of conventional memory and 400K of upper memory are required.
    SoundBlaster support may not work.. Ain't my problem.
    386+ required.
    Works fine with 486DX2-66 with ET4000/W32P and GUS.

    At least all my aggressions are gone after this.

    Youp.. I made it all by myself.  PlastiikkiPaketti is very elite !

    Detailed credits :
                        Code ................ PlastiikkiPaketti
                        Music ............... PlastiikkiPaketti
                        Graphics ............ PlastiikkiPaketti
                        Design .............. PlastiikkiPaketti

                        Player .............. Asmu / WildLight
                        Suojattutila(pah) ... Tran
                        Name invention ...... P.Puikko
                        Kaljat .............. PlastiikkiPaketti

    Thanks to :
                    All people at Skraappis-meettarit.
                    All ahdistavat of SRK.
                    Essi for shower and food.
                    Myxodema and Ureator for moral support and car.
                    Verne for help with coding.
                    Tapsa for partymesta and hardware.
                    Jesus for being a friend.

    Greetings .. hell no .. ei jaksa .. Our love to all of you !

    And I think you'd better know that ..

    If you want to include this product to some commercial CD-ROM,
    we would be very pleased if you contact us first.

      e-mail: [email protected]
      snailmail: Kurkku/Vihannestiski
                 Jaakonkatu 32
                 13100 Hämeenlinna
                 Suomi Finland
      puhe-elin: +358-(9)-70-04244

    Skraappa!Skruuppi is not responsible about ..
    damaged hardware, broken ears, molten brains,
    kids, broken families, vanished software, demons,
    bulimia, anorexia, anarchy, religious movements,
    radioactive leaks, epilepsy, suicidal coders
    or anything caused by use or missuse of this software.

               Skraappa!Skruuppi jyrää sinunkin työkalulaatikkosi !