Demonic by Phantom Dezign
┌──-── ── ─ ─ ─ · · ∙ PHaNToM DeZiGN (NoT So PRouDLY) PReZeNTZ: . · · ─ ─ ── ── ───┘ -D·E·M·O·N·I·C- At last, in a big hurry, we released this so-called "trackmo" at the Hammering-94 party held at Budapest, Hungary,7-8-9 of April 1994. This time we decided to equip our demo with some action :-) Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to put our favourite effects into this demo because of the lack of time. You have to know that currently two out of our ten mem- bers don't have own computer. Our maincoder is still in the army, and half of the remaining members went to easter holi- day (i dunno where), so they also didn't help us. The remai- ning three dudes did the 90 percent of the demo, and they had to study hard (because our final exam is near! suxx!) So..... Don't expect too much this time.. But at Assembly-94 we'll show you something... Btw, there is no digitized material in this demo, except the picture after the WE LIKE DOOM. But of course it's made by our main graphician: Radgast. There is no stolen code, no ripped module, no shit. Btw... Sorry for the modplayer, but since our modplayer-specialist (Jones) is in the Army, he could write our GUSplayer only on paper, and it would be a bit slow for a demo :-) An another sorry goes to the SB owners.. Well, why we didn't support SB? Coz although we have own 8 chn sb player, but it still can't play from XMS, and since the size of the module is near 400K - we had to support only the GUS... Anyway, gus rulez, sb sux, what everyone knows... :) SYSTeM ReQuiReMeNTS: -------------------- - At least a 486 DX2-66 <grin, just joke> - A fast local bus VGA card... <that's right, VLB rulez & recommended> - A Gravis Ultra Sound... What else ?! - At least 600 K free conventional memory (Don't use EMM386 or QEMM !) - 1048K XMS memory (guess why ? :-)) uSeD PRoGRaMS: -------------- Coded in pure assembler - compiled with Turbo Assembler 4.0 The music is composed with Fast Tracker made by Mr. H of Triton All graphics are handpainted on PC. No digitized material or Amiga was used except the DOOM RULEZ picture, which is freehand-made by Radgast/Phantom Dezign. CReDiTZ FoR THiS iNTRo: ----------------------- Code - Ash (Vectorz) - Genesis (Vectorz) - Greg (Animplayer) - Tsc (Put them 2gether, misc. bullshit) Graphics - Radgast Some charsets - Ian Music - Deansdale GUS musicsystem - Robert Adolfsson / Cascada Design - Tsc Text & Diz - Tsc ouR MeMBeRZ aRe: ---------------- Ash [Pályi Balázs] - Code Deansdale [Boga Zsolt] - Music Genesis [Szabó Norbert] - Code Graphite [Földi Benjámin] - Graphix, RenderMan, Dezign Greg [Dervarics Gergely] - Code, Math Ian [Tóth Norbert] - Graphix, Dezign Jones [Tamás János] - Main Code [He's in the Army now] Radgast [Barta Balázs] - Graphix, Dezign Shaqman [Tornyos Szabolcs] - Music Tsc [Szabó Gábor] - Code, SysOp, Dezign, Magaziner SooNCoMiNG ReLeaSeS: -------------------- PHANTRO - a littil intro with more design & graphix ????? - a trackmo for the Assembly'94 OuR ReLeaSeS So FaR: -------------------- SVGADRV.ZIP - Tsc's SVGA driver sources. This driver was used in the MAYHEM magazine HUNELITE.ZIP - The official Hungarian elite BBS list issue 1 HUNELIT2.ZIP - The official Hungarian elite BBS list issue 2 PTMDEBUT.ZIP - Our first dentro. FS6WIN.ZIP - Hehe, tha windows version of Freestyle issue 6. XANNER.ZIP - The Freestyle's cyberpunk issue - with 2500K articlez DUNEINT.ZIP - An 1994 bytes intro for the DUNE ][ bbs, source incl. DEMONIC.ZIP - This trackmo! Feel free to contact us for any reason: by BBZ: DUNE ][ - PSY0PS: TSC/Phantom Dezign & Cat/Infomaniax ------- C0SYSOP: The Admiral/ECR! 19200 bps ZyXEL, Phantom Dezign WHQ, Infomaniax WHQ Absolute! pc HHQ, Imphobia/CDAVR HHQ Abaddon, Future Crew, Grif, Iguana, Majic 12 pc Onyx, Pentagon, Psychosquad, Brain Browse, The Digital Maneuver, TSi distro site. Open: weekdays 14-07h, weekends 0-24h or Call our GREAT Official Distro Sites: ---------------------------------------- ┌──────────┬──────────────────────┬────────────────────────┬──────────────────┐ │ │ │ │Madflight │ │Belgium │Genesis │+32-22453498 USR 16.6k │Void Master │ │(HQ) │IMPHOBIA-CDAVRS WHQ │8 nodes ringd. │Darkness/IMP-CDAVR│ │ │ │ │ │ │Belgium │Point Break │+32-11436925 USR 16.8k │Lord Cyrix/AD & │ │(Dist) │Access Denied WHQ │4 nodes ringd. │Jumping Jack F./AD│ │ │ │ │ │ │Finnland │Chaotic Vision │+358-42714528 V32 14.4k │Disperin/Admire │ │(HQ) │Admire WHQ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Germany │Magican │+494214841163 ZyX 19.2k │Byte/IW & │ │(HQ) │Irresistible Works WHQ│ │Fish/IW │ │ │ │ │ │ │Hungary │The Black Abyss │+36-76485719 V32 14.4k │The Kreator/TDSCA │ │(Dist) │Tdsca WHQ, Unicorn WHQ│ │ThunderMan/TDSCA │ │ │ │ │ │ │Italy │Side FX │+39-755724644 V32 14.4k │Killer Loop/Soft-1│ │(Dist) │Soft-One prod. WHQ │ │ prod. │ │ │ │ │ │ │Netherland│Nimrod │+31-598094809 V32 14.4k │Exodus │ │(HQ) │ │+31-598098250 V32 14.4k │Candyman/TRSI/TRA/│ │ │ │ │ MAFIA │ │Netherland│Blue Steel │+31-206403972 V32 14.4k │MadMan/Acme │ │(Dist) │Acme WHQ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Switzerl. │The Lycaeum │+41-41762989 ZyX 19.2k │Chicken/S!P │ │(Dist) │S!P (Pentagon WHQ) │+41-41763289 USR 21.6k │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │USA, FL │The Power Grid │+1-8134816539 USR 16.8k │Grid Runner,CowBoy│ │(HQ) │Avalanche WHQ │2 nodes ringd. │Syntax Error / iCE│ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────┴──────────────────────┴────────────────────────┴──────────────────┘ by INTERNET: Greg/Phantom Dezign - [email protected] ------------ by FIDONET: TSC/Phantom Dezign - 2:370/20.2 ----------- by MAIL: TSC/Phantom Dezign [Gábor Szabó] -------- 6800-Hódmezôvásárhely Somogyi Béla u. 26. Hungary by TELEPHONE: ------------- Tsc: +36-62341850 [English, Russian, Hungarian] [16-22h] Greg: +36-62438430 [English, Russian, Hungarian] [15-20h] aND NoW, THe LoNG aWaiTeD GReeTiNGS: ------------------------------------ ·∙· Abaddon ·∙· Absolute! ·∙· Access Denied ·∙· Admire ·∙· Anarchy ·∙· Avalanche ·∙· Criminal Gang ·∙· Dust ·∙· Electromotive Force ·∙· Epical ·∙· Extreme ·∙· Future Crew ·∙· ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄──────────────────────────────┐ ·∙· ██████ █ ███ ███ ███ │ ·∙· ██ █ ███████ ███████ │ "Becoz i forgot to ·∙· █ ██ █ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ │ mention Grif in the ·∙· ██ █ ███████ ███ █████ │ demos' greeting part" ·∙· ██████ █ ███ ███ ███ ███ │ -tsc- ·∙· █ █ ██ ███ ███ ███ ███ │ ·∙· ██ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ███ │ ·∙· ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀──────────────────────────────┘ ·∙· Iguana ·∙· Impact Studios ·∙· Imphobia/Cdavrs ·∙· Legend Design ·∙· Majic 12 ·∙· Mental Design ·∙· Paralaxy ·∙· Pentagon ·∙· Psych0squad ·∙· Remal [although our demo was better :)] ·∙· Silents ·∙· Surprise! Productions ·∙· The Digital Maneuver ·∙· Triton ·∙· Twilight Zone ·∙· Witan ·∙· Xeed ·∙· Xography Tsc's personal greets: ---------------------- ■ Aap /Acme ■ Abyss /Future Crew ■ Admiral /TDM/ECR ■ Armitage Corto /Gloomy Sky Hackers ■ AntForce /NiL ■ Atom /USCA/HYBRID/MALICE ■ Atys /Crescent ■ Axl /Himself! ■ Bandee /Abaddon ■ Bano /Absolute! pc ■ Basq /TSi ■ Bat /Apopletix ■ Beast Master /Magic Carpet bbs ■ Bert /Paralaxy ■ Byte /Irresistible Works ■ Candyman /TRSI/TRA/MAFIA ■ Cat /Infomaniax ■ Chicken /S!P ■ Dada /ex-TSi ■ Darkness /Imphobia ■ Fernandez /Criminal Gang ■ Gery /Absolute! pc ■ GreyHawk /NiL/TdM ■ Killer Loop /Soft-One Productions ■ Lord Cyrix /Access Denied/FC ■ Mania¢ /Absolute! pc ■ Maxwood /Majic 12 pc ■ Peak /Anarchy pc ■ Pfusuus /Psych0squad ■ Psycho /TSi ■ Ratt /Grif ■ Richy /Da 4 Horsemen ■ Sinister Shadow/Gloomy Sky Hackers ■ Sylvio /Tryumwyrat ■ Spider /USCA ■ The Kreator /Tdsca ■ Thuffir /TdM ■ ThunderMan /Tdsca ■ Trasher /D0d ■ Trs /Grif ■ Tsl16b /Infomaniax ■ Woody /Mma ■ Zozo /Majic 12 Greg's personal greets: (who was not mentioned above) ----------------------- ■ AfterShave/Graffiti Team ■ Antibyte/S!P ■ Dave/Abbadon ■ Disperin/Admire ■ D-Mage/Virtual Dreams of Fairlight ■ Edge/Absolute! ■ Ern0/Absolute! ■ Hanzi/Headway ■ Fire Fly/S!P ■ Fletcher/Shame Redesign ■ Gore/Future Crew ■ Jake/Future Crew ■ Jare/Iguana ■ Martial Artist/Razor 1911/VLA ■ Peak/Anarchy pc ■ Spidy/Amnesty ■ TomCat/Abbadon ■ Trug/Future Crew And some guys from the internet: -------------------------------- ■ Axl ■ Cam ■ Kyto ■ Palbearer/Toxic Zombies ■ TheFaker/Aardvark ■ ToneDef ■ ZigZag <END OF TEXT>
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