
Moonwalk by Pontus

 ██   ███  █████  ██████ ████   ████    ███  ███  ████    █         ██
 ███ ████ ██▓▓▓████▓▓▓▓██ ████ █████    ███ █████ ████   ██   ███  ███ █    ██
████████ ██▒▒▒▓▓███▓▒▓▓██ ████ █████    ██ ██  ██ ███   ███ ████       ██   ██
███ ██ █ ██▒▓░▓▒███▓▓▓▒██ █████ █ ██ ██ ██ ██  ███ ██   ███████     ██ ████ ██
███ ██ █ ██▓▒▓▒▓███▓▓▒▓██ ██  ███ █  █  ██ ███████ ██    █████     ███ █████ █
██     ██ ██▒▓▓██ ██▒▓▓██ ███  ██ ████ ███ ██  ███ ██     ██ ███   ███ ██ ██ █
██     ███ █████   █████  ██    █  █████  ██    ██ ██████ ██  ███  ███ ██ ████
       ██                                        █ █████ ███  ████ ███ ██  ████
 ···· A Pontus production, 1998 ····                     ███     █ ███ ██  ████

Some credits..
      Design, 2d-code, models&textures  Burana   ([email protected])
      Music & graphics                  Kokki    ([email protected])
      Design, 2d-code, 3d-code          NeonGoon ([email protected])

      Judas Sound system                Yehar

   Because our group is mostly more party- than compo-
   oriented, this is probably our 1st half-serious release..
   it was also a bit difficult to find any members to help
   with something you can't code, draw, and track at the
   partyplace :). 

   However we managed to pull some old and some new stuff
   together and I must say I'm quite happy with this one.
   Some compatibility issues...

    - The demo uses Judas sound system, Judas should auto-
      detect your sound card from environment variables.
      Unfortunately Judas doesn't like irq:s over 7 :(.
      Some later version should include some kind of
      commandline setup. 

    - Only vga trick used is removing the blink attribute.
      This and mode set is done with bios so I don't think
      there will be any problems.

    - Memory usage is a problem. It's not too efficient
      because the demo was compiled - loyally to our style
      - in a hell of a hurry :). At max the demo uses
      around 16 MBs of memory. If you really want to try
      it with less than that (trust me, it's hell) you can
      set dos4gw to swap some:


    - As far as I know, this should work with GUS and
      in w95 dos box, but I haven't been able to try
      either out right now.. flame me if it crashes.
   I guess that's it...  all good to Sol, TMDC, and all
   textmode freaks out there. Remember to spam all major
   party organizers and ask after nice retro-compos at
   parties instead of all this voodoo/windows shite :).

   Yours under the keyboard,
