Bible for dummies - Final by Shiva2k2 [web]
___________________________________________________ ___/ \_____________________/ \___ __| |___________________| |__ __| _______/____________________| /| |__ __| \| | | |____| | / |__ __| | | |____|____|_ |/ |__ ___\_______ | |____ |__/ | |__ ___/ | | | \/ / /| |__ __| | | | | | | | |__ ___\___________/|____|____|____|\__/|____| |____|__ _______________________2k2_________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______ _____ _____ Shiva2k2 Proudly presents the final ___ ___ version of 'Bible for Dummies' first __ __ released at Crau 04. __ __ __ __ __ __ Special Thanks to Krabob who posted our __ __ demo on when we didn't dare. __ __ __ __ __ __ No killing effect here but pleasure in __ __ making entertaining demos and slaughtering __ __ english when talking :■ ___ __ _____ __ _________ __ Decal ____ _ __ ____ _ __ ____ Zik: Passs _ __ __ Zik: Bidoo _ __ __ Gfx: Decal _ ___ __ Gfx: Philae _ _____ __ Kod: Denokan _ _______ ____ ___ _________________________________________________ ________A New Smokers Generation___________ _____________________________
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