chippin' for air! 6 by Dead Hackers Society [web]
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Released December 12 1998 a chipmusic-demo for Atari Falcon and compatibles c r e d i t s music.........................................toodeloo intro pic.........................................dipa other gfx..............................toodeloo & evil code..............................................evil ascii dhs logo...............................zechariah r e q u i r e m e n t s monitor..................................rgb/tv or vga memory..................................4mb st/fastram w a r r a n t y there is none. this program is used at your own risk. this demo has been tested with centurbo 2 and works fine with that, including fastram, centscreen and mint v1.15! if you have a falcon with "double vbl" problems, please run "twinsync" before starting. it might help. c o n t a c t u s [email protected] [email protected] toodeloo homepage............ dhs homepage...................... g r e e t i n g s see the greetings-list at our homepage for that, but megathanks to swe and kellis of yescrew for testing all those test programs with centurbo 2! ------------------ Track information: ------------------ Track number: 01 Full name: Cognito [visual chipconstructor edit] Lenght: 1.17 Packed size: 5kb Comment: Made this one in less than three minutes really. I just jammed around really quick and entered some random arpeggios/notes. Nothing special about it at all. Just a little warmup for whats coming next... Track number: 02 Full name: Delta [slashed and chipperized edit] Lenght: 1.32 Packed size: 24kb Comment: Well if you dont know this tune then you must be a total lamer or something. This is one of the most used tunes threw history of time. Originally composed by Rob Hubbard but now chipperized in a protracker kind of way. Use maximum bass to play this one. This is a real kill the neighbourhood song. :-) Track number: 03 Full name: Big in japan [access granted] Lenght: 2.48 Packed size: 28kb Comment: One of Alphavilles big hits that stormed across the world in the early synth era. A very nice structure in this song, very easy to remix and quite catchy. Took less than two hours to complete this one, only problem was the a bit out of tune leads. Think I solved it in a pretty decent way though... Track number: 04 Full name: Klingon [never trust a klingon] Lenght: 3.11 Packed size: 28kb Comment: Whooah! This is pure quality :-) A conversion from the very popular swedish group S.P.O.C.K An excellent lead on which I used lots of 3xx efx to really make it filled with "air". Also did a very simple but effective echo using the extra volume column. Track number: 05 Full name: Living on video [kOlorkrOme value pack edit] Lenght: 1.23 Packed size: 37kb Comment: Another one of the remix/recycled tunes. Very synthy, very 80┤s early 90┤s type of pop/synth. Listened a lot to this type of music for awhile but grew tired pretty soon of the lack of complexity and depth. Still a pretty decent chipconversion I hope. Track number: 06 Full name: Online guidance [its fett when its fett] Lenght: 1.53 Packed size: 8kb Comment: This tune is somewhat strange for me.. I found a ordinary .mod version of it on my hd but i could not remember that i had made it. It said "remixed by toodeloo" and was dated 1992 something. Well i decided to make a chiptune out of it instead and just keep the theme. I am so sure I have heard this tune somewhere else but I just cant remember where..:-/ Track number: 07 Full name: Poppa da snoppa [Luftmadrass & Kanot remix] Lenght: 1.55 Packed size: 32kb Comment: Originally made this one for a yC production. [capy] to be used as a highscore track. But the tune was never used so i decided to make a chip track out of it instead. In this version i included some low pass filters and one extremely noisy bass to make the track sound very oldschool chip kind of like, but with a bassguitar, and slapbass feeling. Track number: 08 Full name: Nano pica [Locus pica] Lenght: 1.40 Packed size: 4kb Comment: This is a 3channel track which i used in a test program that converts xm tunes to .ym tunes. It worked pretty ok but some effects did not sound correct... The development is still in progress though and digidrums were just recently implemented... Well..whattabout the tune then? i said...just a little test... Take it for what it is....Missing in the tune is the mad max frequence table (mail me if you want the .ym tune using the mad max frequency table). Track number: 09 Full name: When I see you [Time for trumpton] Lenght: 1.01 Packed size: 12kb Comment: Not really a genuine chip style of module.. I could have used some other tune instead of this one but as its not a totally crappy tune I thought i might just aswell release it. Track number: 10 Full name: What does it take to be a man [maybe a .!. phat phade edit] Lenght: 1.06 Packed size: 13kb Comment: Short but telling tune, only arpeggio stuff the whole tune threw. Made this tune a chip track after first have used it as a 2ch track for a irc chip compo. Only two channels were allowed and I managed to squeeze in most of the tune used in this demo but the chippin 6 version has some more effects and two more channels added to It.. How did the compo go? Well..I was the only one entering the 2ch category so i guess I won :-) On the other hand that means that I came last aswell ? :-))
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