
remorse ascii artpack 55 by ANSI Creators in Demand [web]

                    flowers in  ,_    .   Y@'     _ remembrance
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 |   |   . t e n   y e a r s   l o n g     t e n . y e a r s : s t r o n g
 |   |               :                                       .
 |   |  Pack: RMRS-55.ZIP    Size: 1,112 KB    Released: September 25th, 2004
 |   |                                                               ______
 `-. `------------------------------------------ -- -   -     -      \   _/
 ::|   :::::::::::: [ N E W S ] ::::::::::::::: :                   \\\ (_))
 .-' .------------------------------------------ -- -   -     -        \/
 |   |
 |   |   Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fifty-fifth release of ACiD's
 |   |   ASCII division, Remorse!
 |   |
 |   |   This pack sees the members of the Almighty Remorse Crew in high
 |   |   spirits.  The price of gas is rising.  Old Uncle Moneybags (aka
 |   |   RaD Man) has seen his futures investments skyrocket!  The domesti-
 |   |   cation of the dog continues unabated.
 |   |
 |   |   I, Spinsane (not to be confused with I, Robot) would really
 |   |   like to heartily welcome our viewing audience to the newest Remorse
 |   |   senior staffer: The Illustrious and Elegant Scour also known as S!
 |   |   On another note, longtime Remorse senior Nightrain also returns from
 |   |   a stint in the local jail for being a wifebeater!  Welcome back NT!
 |   |   Your prison tattoo was very well done.
 |   |
 |   |   <I stop for a moment.  I focus my telepathic abilities on Scour.
 |   |    A 1 GB mental connection is established.  We lack ratios. >
 |   |
 |   |   *Tap Tap Tap* ..*clears throat*
 |   |
 |   |   JOLTIN_JOE_NORATIO: Scour! We need information to entertain and
 |   |   enlighten the masses!  Who are you?  What is your purpose here?
 |   |   Are you made of carbon, or plastic?
 |   |
 |   |   ELITE_TO_THE_NTH_SCOUR: Am I made of carbon or plastic? Who the fuck
 |   |   seriously is asking that question. No one but Joltin' Joe thats for
 |   |   sure.  Anyway, I'm taking over the artscene one group at a time, so
 |   |   watch the fuck out Mimic, you're next.
 |   |
 |   |   JOLTIN_JOE_NORATIO: That's for Sure?  Incidentally, that's my
 |   |   preferred brand on deodorant.  I'm sure.  Others are un-sure.  Get
 |   |   what I'm talking about?  If not, feel free to discuss how a simple
 |   |   Pablodraw NFO file writing session has gone so horribly, horribly
 |   |   wrong.
 |   |
 |   |   ELITE_TO_THE_NTH_SCOUR: For sure, my friend, for sure. This is a new
 |   |   generation of ASCII group NFO files, which I'm not sure is a good
 |   |   thing or not.  What the fuck are we babbling about?  Let's get to
 |   |   business.  Remorse is undergoing a complete turnaround, from being the
 |   |   biggest art-scene group to becoming the top piracy go-to group for
 |   |   all the elite CD Cover Group NFOs and Recipe eBooks. Chocolate_Chip
 |   |   Cookies-GRANDMASkITChEN is certainly one to look out for soon.  May
 |   |   even find it in this pack, hell if I know.  Spinsane probably drew for
 |   |   it.
 |   |
 |   |   JOLTIN_JOE_NORATIO: Excellent. (Pause while I drum my fingers
 |   |   together and dream greedily about what the future may bring).  From
 |   |   a simple group of artists drawing semi-useless BBS intro screens...
 |   |   to the kings of the Recipe eBooks NFO files and CD Covers.  Scour,
 |   |   I would think under your added leadership these things and more are
 |   |   definitely possible.  Do you have any other plans for the Almighty
 |   |   Remorse?  Such as domination of the Kiddie ISO scene?  Perhaps we
 |   |   will one day be the giants of the MUD login screen world?
 |   |
 |   |   Evidently, the world is our oyster.
 |   |
 |   |   ELITE_TO_THE_NTH_SCOUR: The Kiddie ISO scene is on lock.  Not exactly
 |   |   sure what a MUD login is.  Anyway, as our readers may or may not know,
 |   |   I, Scour (not to be confused with I, Spinsane nor I, Robot) also run
 |   |   the powerful scene art group, Superior Art Creations (SAC), which has
 |   |   interestingly enough made an odd comeback recently.  Together, SAC and
 |   |   Remorse should easily dominate the scene -- both of these legendary
 |   |   groups have been around since 1994.  What other art groups can claim
 |   |   to that?  The strongest always survive.  You feelin' me?
 |   |
 |   |   JOLTIN_JOE_NORATIO: I'm feeling you like a goat at a petting zoo. I
 |   |   don't wanna talk too much about SAC though... since... well, that
 |   |   should be obvious :).  Luckily though Skizzour, you have maintained
 |   |   a level of bi-partisanship that would astonish a compassionate
 |   |   conservative.  Whats the dealio then, about what is going on with
 |   |   you, and Remorse's current state of affairs... <cough/garble/buzz>
 |   |
 |   |   <Telepathic link between Scour and Spinsane ended.  Spinsane's
 |   |   blood level alcohol makes him start telepathically contacting a
 |   |   myriad of random strippers.  Scour resorts to actually doing an NFO
 |   |   file.  The domestication of the dog continues unabated. >
 |   |
 |   |   Scour goes solo:
 |   |
 |   |   Remorse has acquired two new talented artists since we last saw you
 |   |   in pack #54.  Joining among the ranks of the scene's top block
 |   |   artists (read: Scour) is Creature of Hell (cH!).  Also joining since
 |   |   the last pack is Cru, a talented oldschool and block artist. (Editor's
 |   |   Note: KICK-ASS!).  We're trying the best we can to be modest here, but
 |   |   really, there's no comparison anymore.  Remorse has grabbed the latest
 |   |   and greatest artists, and more are sure to come.  Warm welcome to cRu
 |   |   and cH.
 |   |
 |   |   Spinsane wakes up, wipes the vomit from his chin:
 |   |
 |   |   Indeed.  Remorse has come a long way, baby.  There is nothing Scour
 |   |   and I are more proud of then the recent undertakings of the group.
 |   |   First of all, besides all the general badassedness of (check Webster's
 |   |   for the definition of this word) the Remorse legion, our crew
 |   |   represented solidly at the North American demo party Pilgrimage.
 |   |   Besides the fact that our illustrious leader RaD Man was instrumental
 |   |   in the organization of party, two of our members Polygon Breasts and
 |   |   Haliphax dominated the Textmode ASCII compo.  While the competition
 |   |   stocked up on Depends (c) undergarments, Polygon Breasts wound up in
 |   |   first place with his masterful block picture, here after referred to
 |   |   as pb-chalz.asc.  Coming in a close second, Haliphax offered up his
 |   |   block submission, a mighty big rendering of our sacred name in block.
 |   |   Check it as hx-orw.asc in the pack.  Congratulations to both of
 |   |   you.  Undoubtedly, if 3 or more of our artists had been there, we'd
 |   |   have run the table. :)
 |   |
 |   |   Be sure to check http://www.acid.org/radio for the ARTS #8, which
 |   |   I'm sure will include a full report on the party.
 |   |
 |   |   Secondly, as we said before in this NFO, I can't be happier then
 |   |   to welcome back Nightrain to the fold.  Perhaps he will pop up here
 |   |   to share his story with you, the loyal viewer.  If not, his art will
 |   |   once again speak for itself.  But that is not all!  Oh no!  It is not!
 |   |   "What more is there you ask us?"
 |   |
 |   |   NighTrain rejoins the freeworld:
 |   |
 |   |   Nightrain here, I just stepped out of the cell block, while i was
 |   |   down I had to represent 2 sets, my prison gang, and my Remorse
 |   |   homies. I decided I could go down all nerdy like Kevin Mitnick
 |   |   and have you guys putting up free nightrain stickers everywhere,
 |   |   or I could just slap around convicts like bitches and represent
 |   |   1981 like a true ASCII artist.
 |   |
 |   |   I'm really glad to be back with Remorse, It seems that group interest
 |   |   is at an all time high, and things are looking better than ever,
 |   |   big ups to Spinsane and Scour, who have kept Remorse on top of the
 |   |   ASCII scene.
 |   |                                      -nightrain/1891
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Scour Speaks Again:
 |   |
 |   |   AGAIN THE OLDSCHOOL SCENE! One of the greatest artists of all time is
 |   |   BACK! That's right, that guy who inspired us all in the oldschool
 |   |   medium has awakened and *GASP* is taking requests!  Who doesn't want
 |   |   some (c)hP art?  BUT WAIT, just like a cheesy infomercial.. THERE'S
 |   |   MORE!
 |   |
 |   |   Spinsane Just Returned From Driving Drunk:
 |   |
 |   |   There's more! Yes indeed!  So much more in fact, that for a limited
 |   |   time only, you can not ONLY access Hiro Protagonist's request list
 |   |   but also speak with all of our new members on www.acid.org/forums !
 |   |   That's right, for a limited time only (before we get www.remorse.org
 |   |   up and operating - check next pack, trust us!), all of your favorite
 |   |   old and returning ASCII SUPERSTARS (c) are available for chat on
 |   |   these forums.  This isn't limited to the old stalwarts you know and
 |   |   love, but also recently returned members like Pesho (check his colly
 |   |   in this pack!), Zerohour, and Ricky Martin!  It's the hot place to
 |   |   be!  In addition, if you login in the next 15 minutes, you could
 |   |   hypothetically speak to the people who make Remorse even greater:
 |   |   Our Guest Artists!
 |   |
 |   |   That's right, this pack features guests from our friends Aesthetic,
 |   |   Fourth, Sonic, and molo.  As well it has extra-special "Bi-Yearly"
 |   |   appearances from ok Remorse favorites: Whodini and Windrider.  Get
 |   |   your wallets open and your credit cards ready and order now...
 |   |
 |   |   Contact us at the newly opened public channel #Remorse @ EFNet.
 |   |   All your heroes are there, waiting for your girlfriends to message
 |   |   us.
 |   |
 |   |   ---
 |   |
 |   |   We hope you'll enjoy the fresh artwork assembled into Remorse's latest
 |   |   pack, we know we enjoyed putting it together.  Don't fret, for there
 |   |   will be another incredible Remorse release soon (EDITOR'S NOTE: even
 |   |   more incredible then this one!  You didn't think it possible?  Silly
 |   |   mortal.)  Scour's upcoming 2-year-in-the-making oldschool collection
 |   |   will prove to be one of the oldschool scene's most memorable with his
 |   |   incomparable design and backgrounding skills.  Also look forward to
 |   |   Ansichrist's oldschool collection coming soon.  Hiro Protagonist plans
 |   |   to knock everyone flat once again with a collection of his own.
 |   |
 |   |   The domestication of the dog continues unabated...
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   P.S. ---
 |   |
 |   |   On a more serious note, we'd like to send shoutouts to all of those
 |   |   who lost loved ones on the tragic events of 9/11.  This pack is
 |   |   dedicated to them, their families, and everyone affected by the
 |   |   tragedy that occurred a little over 3 years ago to this date.  The
 |   |   scene doesn't stop, and neither did they.  R.I.P. to everyone also
 |   |   lost in the scene.  Our hearts go out to you.
 |   |
 |   |                                                   - Love,
 |   |                                                     Everyone
 |   |
 |   |                                                               ______
 `-. `------------------------------------------ -- -   -     -      \_   /
 ::|   ::::::::: [ M E M B E R S ] :::::::::::: :                   ((_) ///
 .-' .------------------------------------------ -- -   -     -        \/
 |   |
 |   |   Leadership:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   RaD Man <rm> [[email protected]]
 |   |   Spinsane <sp> [[email protected]]
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Senior Staff:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Nightrain <nt> [[email protected]]
 |   |   Scour <S!> [[email protected]]
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Member Artists:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Alla Xul ╖ Alpha ╖ AnsiChrist ╖ Asphyx ╖ Barium ╖ Bornholme
 |   |   Creature Of Hell ╖ Cru ╖ Deadbrain ╖ Devil Angel ╖ Erupt ╖ Fost
 |   |   Haliphax ╖ Hiro Protagonist ╖ Icedevil ╖ Jrr ╖ Kayozz ╖ Noches
 |   |   Peps ╖ Pesho ╖ Polygon Breasts ╖ Pix ╖ Polymorph ╖ Raster Burn
 |   |   Reevolution ╖ Ricky Martin ╖ Sharque ╖ Speed Devil ╖ Talo
 |   |   Tribal ╖ Villeret ╖ Yce ╖ Zerohour ╖ Zooyork
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Guest Artists:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Aesthetic ╖ Fourth ╖ Sonic ╖ Whodini ╖ Windrider
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Other Members:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Anthem ╖ Kyr ╖ Psykoz
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Alumni:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Arrogance ╖ Axel Barebones ╖ Cannibal (Cannabis)  Computerman
 |   |   Cypher Hex ╖ Enigmatic ╖ Ewheat ╖ Fahrenheit ╖ J. Hale (Asphixia)
 |   |   Kaleidas ╖ Killa Hertz ╖ Megga Hertz ╖ Miasma ╖ Mister Kite
 |   |   Mister Self Destruct ╖ Mjolnir ╖ Necromancer ╖ Necronite ╖ Ogre
 |   |   Omicron ╖ Palmore ╖ Poskgubbe ╖ Terminator 2 ╖ The Messiah
 |   |   The Upright Man ╖ Tinyz ╖ Tzeentch ╖ Whodini ╖ Windrider
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Miscellaneous Information:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   WWW ╖ WWW.ACID.ORG
 |   |   IRC ╖ #REMORSE and #ACID | EFnet
 |   |   BBS ╖ telnet - east1999.icednet.org WHQ  |
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   Member Sites:
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |   ACiDiC MODDiNG     > http://acidic.acid.org
 |   |   The A.R.T.S.       > http://www.acid.org/radio/
 |   |   - - - - -
 |   |   ANSICHRIST         > http://ansichrist.senseimagery.com
 |   |   ASPHYX             > http://asphyx.planet-d.net/
 |   |   AXEL BAREBONES     > http://www.iaxb.com
 |   |   ERUPT              > http://www.ruptbot.com
 |   |   FLAMES             > http://flames.oldschool.ru
 |   |   F0ST               > http://www.uncreation.net
 |   |   KAYOZZ             > http://www.theinfamous.org
 |   |   KILLAHERTZ         > http://www.megarad.com
 |   |   PSYKOZ             > http://www.psykoz.net
 |   |   RASTER BURN        > http://www.panospria.com
 |   |   REEVOLUTION        > http://www.soundclick.com/reevolution
 |   |   SCOUR              > http://www.compleks.com
 |   |
 |   |                                                                   ╖
 |   |                                                                   :___
 |   |_________( Infofile design by Hiro Protagonist and Scour )_________|   )
 |  _|                                                               ... |   |
_|__\                                                                 `: |   |
 |        This release is dedicated to the memory of all those souls     |   |
 |                 who died three years ago in New York City.            |   |
 :                                                                       |   |
 .                               Rest In Peace.                 ╖        |   |
                              `                                          |   |
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