
Blowfishtro by OTM

welcome to blowfishtro!

this "demo" was written in one day
as an entry in Pilgrimage 2004's
surprise "blender" competition,
for which each submitted demo was
required to incorporate the following
keywords in some way:

  1. blowfish
  2. juice
  3. pilgrim

we have completed this "demo"
in hope that we have met the
above requirements. we trust that
you will find this "demo" compliant
and satisfactory. thank you.


  - hurri: code, gfx
  - ramen: music, gfx, code

otm 2004 represent!
contact us: [email protected]

thanks to legalize, rad man, jason scott,
tfinn, troll, dilvie, northern dragons, 
and everyone else who came to 
pilgrimage 2004. love!