
Millennium's goes by by Wireframe [web]

Wireframe vs Skyrunner


 Millenium's goes by

Released at the Party 2000
For the PC-Demo combo.


Programming & Design......Martin Prⁿss - Croaton		email: [email protected]
Graphics & Design.........Daniel Lauersen - Cosmo		email: [email protected]
Aditional 2D-Graphics.....Jacob Meulengracht - Suspect
Music & Sound.............Skyrunner
3D Characters.............Brian Collins	-	Jon Jones
				  Neil Webber	-	Scarecrow
				  Citrus Frog	-	Magarnigal
				  Wrath		-	JLBR

Our web site will be shortly up and running at: www.Wireframe.dk
But for now you can enjoy the first steps at  : www.Minimal.dk/Wireframe