
Torus by Smacy

        ___---               ______--------______             ---___
     -----------------------                      ---------------------
  /           Torus           \                 /  Finally 100% ready.  \
 -------------------------------               + Throught I'm never gonna+
|     A 64 KB demo made by      |             | finish it. Anyway,   it's |
|        lorro / Smacy          |             | 1:48PM Fri, so I'd better |
|       for Ragest '99.         |             | go and have a bath...     |
+-------------------------------+             + Greetz to everyone I know +
.-==<( [email protected] )>==-.             .  3...2...1... ShowTime :) .
 \        ICQ#: 39960652       /  __________   \   RQs:PC/DOS & 640KB(!) /
   \ _______________________ / ---          ---  \ ___________________ /

               │═─╝      What you'll see:          ╙───╨─╨─┤
               ││            * Adlib        music         ║║
               ││            * Torus     firewire         ║│
               ║║            * Plasma w/ RT error         ││
               ║║              -carryover   color         ║║
               ║║              reduction                  │║
               ║║            * Plasma cooked  :)          ┬║
               ║║            * Juliabrot  cooked          ┐│
               ││            * Real 100%  physic          ║│
               ║║              -minded   correct          ║║
               ││              water                      │║
               ║║            * Fractal      over          ║║
               ║║              fractal over cool          ║│
               ║║              rottex map bg              ║│
               ║║            * Texture - Mapped,          ║║
               ║║              fog-light   torus          ║║
               ║║            * The above  cooked          │║
               ║║            * Fireworks                  ││
               ║         And runs w/o XMS/EMS.             │
               ║         Works under  Windows.             │
               ║         Written    for   DOS.             ║
               ║         386+        platform.             ║
               ║         Optimal     on     a              ║
               ║         Celeron 333.                      │
               │         Everything  is  100%              │
               │         understood       and              ║
               │         written by  me,  not              ║
               │         just    copied,  nor              ║
               │         translated  from   a              ║
               │         pseudo-code.                      │
               ║·∙··.∙∙∙.···∙.· ╤.∙·∙∙.·∙.╧.∙.··∙.∙·.∙··.·.║
               │ Greetz goes to all I know. Thanx to Werty │
               ║ for watching this  a  billion  times  and ║
               │ helping me in the desing.                 │
               │ PS:   Two   Easter   Eggs.   Found   'em? │