hue cochonne by Kloon
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Notice that you can't hear the song without a Gravis ultrasound Card,coz we think that the gravis ultrasound is the best sound card on the PC.For packing our dentro, we used cdrk/KlOoN exepacker.Gus playroutine by robban/cascada and arranged by hml/KlOoN. ═══ Los Creditos ═════════════════════════════════════ Cödïng: - Cthulhu - ShoCkeR Pïxêls: - Teo - Off - Tenshu/syndrome 3d Objêcts: - Tyby - Mogar Muzik: - Maf Moral support ;) : - Bilbo & O'menor ═══ Memberlist ═══════════════════════════════════════ Bilbo .......... Cooker & Swapper Cdrk .......... Coder Hml .......... Coder & Musician ShoCkeR .......... Coder & Swapper Spleen .......... Coder cthulhu .......... Coder Off .......... Graphician Teo .......... Graphician Maf .......... Musician Vince .......... Musician Tyby .......... Raytracer ═══ Guest members ════════════════════════════════════ Djamm/Eko .......... Musician Tenshu/Syndrome .... Graphician ═══ Productions ══════════════════════════════════════ name what it Is?: Authors 1 ..Dentro (under Silicon's label) ..Teo,ShoCkeR,Tyby,Maf&NA$ty 2 (under Silicon's label) ..Maf,ShoCkeR,Tyby,Ronan 3 of Dyna-k (a game by hml)..Hml 4 K! intro joke ! ..Hml 5 K! Destroyer. ..ShoCkeR 6 true Face of Walken's Dog ;) ..ShoCkeR 7 K! sis top(our real 1st intro) ..Djamm,ShoCkeR,Teo 8 Reader with email style... ..ShoCkeR 9 Virus Killer ..Cdrk 10 Music of the gasp'95 ..Maf 11 12 ═══ How to contact us ════════════════════════════════ - By SnailMail : For Swapp,Code, For Cooking lessons & Swapping ShoCkeR/KlOoN BilBo/KlOoN GREGORY COOLEN JEROME DELANDRE 3 RUE DU CHATEAU 16 RUE DE L'ABEILLE 80680 RUMIGNY 80000 AMIENS FRANCE FRANCE For anything, For Coding, TeO/KlOoN Hml/KlOoN STEPHANE DESBONNET THIBAUT BARRERE 143 RUE VULFRAN WARME 3 RUE DE BELLEVUE 80000 AMIENS 21000 DIJON FRANCE FRANCE For Raytracing & 3d stuffs For coding and hArdCorE, Cthulhu/KlOoN Tyby/KlOoN PATRICE DUHAMEL DAVID DEUX 41 bis rue A Bisson 174 Rue Robert Lecocq 60430 NOAILLES 80000 Amiens FRANCE FRANCE - By EMail : Shocker: [email protected] spleen: [email protected] ═══ The hellos ═══════════════════════════════════════ ShoCkeR: Alexel & Levan/Distorsion,Gandalf & Lca /Infiny, Calvin/proxima,ClawZ/BomB & Impact Studios, Darkness & Nemesis/Imphobia,Deneb/Fantasy, DjamM,Maxxout & Niko/Eko,E.T,Execom/Realtech, Ferem & Rixed/Mwb Corp,Fortune/Fascination, GandBox/Solaris,Bisounours/Tiny Toons, Guille,Tenshu,Blue Silence & Okeanos/Syndrome, Haplo/Zuul Design,Hellflip,Scorpion,Seka,ZooN,Weed /Silicon, Hml,Off,Vince,Ntsc,teo,bilbo,maf,cdrk,tyby,spleen,cthulhu/kLOoN, Jsg,Judge Miguel/JFf,Marco polo/Hmd,Medicus/KlF,Mickey/Isch Crew, Moai,poi poi & kenet/Ribbon.,Mystic/Irius ;),Na$ty/pagan, O'menoR,Oxbow/Scoopex,Patriot/S!p & Scoopex,Pixel /Edena, Polux/lego systems,Remdy & Latyl/Arkham,Ra & Barti!/Nooon, Scarfman & mythos/realtime,Shazz/Aurora borealis, Solo/exCorpse,Sybaris/X-dream,Thorin,Ukko/Live!, Walken & Max/Impact Studios,Zappy,Zeb/Orange,Zool/Lithium, Snagrot/melting pot,Shazz / Aurora Borealis,Mogar Ajt/infiny,Shad/infiny,tuttle,Rhynn/Zuul design hacker croll & light show/eclipse,feanor/Epsilon and all i forgot (i hope not). Teo: Deneb/Fantasy,Der Piipo/Orange,Hml,Vince,Ntsc,shocker off,bilbo,cdrk,tyby,spleen,maf,cthulhu/kLOoN Rogue/Logic design,tenshu/syndrome,Ukko/live! Walken/impact studios and all i forgot. Tenshu: boSCO,eagle,oby one,eMbroaz,nasty Boy,gandBox piloT,Codac,maf,heLlflip,phoTos,raHow,cHriS,amenoPhis bLue Silence,yogi,shen,lorD,siLver,Slaine,gerion had,bab,asimov,guille,Cyber fLink,zaac,iguay,ranxerox & Kiss to: Lapin Bleu,zeUgma,lts tania ziG Zag rOck Bilbo: Maf,Walken,Gandalf Vince : Blue silence / Syndrome,Gryzor,Gandbox / solaris, Shazz / Aurora Borealis ═══ Groups Greetings ═════════════════════════════════ Arkham,aurora Borealis,Distorsion,Edena,Eko,Fantasy, Fascination,Halcyon,Impact Studios,imphobia,Infiny, Isch Crew,Jamm,JFf,Hmd,Klf,Lego,Lithium,live!, Logic Design,Melon,Melting pot,Mwb Corp,NoOoN,Orange, Proxima,Realtech,Realtime,Ribbon.,Silicon,S!p,Syndrome, Tiny toons,Zuul,Eclipse,Epsilon,Moule,Melting pot. ═══ More ═════════════════════════════════════════════ We are looking for HQ in others countrys,if you're interesting in supporting us,write to ShoCkeR and send-back the informations about your board,via snailmail,email or on ACE in the kloon conference. We 're also looking for cool contacts around the world :) ═══ Words ════════════════════════════════════════════ From ShoCkeR, ------------- To All Orange'dudes: Your prods are very cool,we love your design... To Halcyon dudes: Karma is a very great demo,i like it. To Dune/orange: Simply the Best... To eclipse dudes: huuuuu,lisa don't work on my PC !!!!!!!!!,what a shame!! Help me,i've never seen your demo ........ To Scorpion/Silicon: Pas mal du tout l'intro de slc pour la gasp (40 ko rulEZ) ,alors les amigaistes , on a la doomite ;) To Zeb/Orange: Enfin de compte,je me debrouillerais sans le moteur 3d de barti ;),c'etait simplement une boutade... To Ukko/live!: Still a-live ?,Cools productions,i love love :) To Walken/impact studios: Dis,on te trouve plus tres souvent sur les bbs toi... tu serais pas un peu malade ...Thanx for know... To Gandbox/solaris: Huhuuhu,Model formel SuxX,ptin,bon enfin bref salut. To Tenshu/syndrome: Je sais pas ce que tu lui trouve a ton gfx it,mais moi je le trouve d'enfer,t'es vraiment baleze ... To mystic: PsX ruleZ. To Hml/klOoN: La poste RuleZ mais pa TOI... To Kuk22 (David Vosgien): Piss off lamer: Pauvre connard,tout juste bon a vendre des sources qui ne t' appartiennent meme pas,peteux va,c'est vraiment degueulasse ce que tu fais,vendre des sources par DP-tool club alors que c'est pas de toi,t'es vraiment un minable,remarque ca on le savait deja.Parce qu'en plus monsieur vend des sources asm de tores en goureau alors qu'il sait meme pas ecrire une ligne de code en assembleur,GROS NAIN... From Vince, ----------- To Blue Silence/syndrome: What ? you in a Pc demo ? Arff. To Gandbox/solaris : I must hide myself. shame on me ! Dizzy ruleeez. To Gryzor: Sorry for no funky miousic in this demo.. To Off/KlOoN: Welkom in klOon ! To Shazz: What a nice musician ! without you , i could never give my musics in time .. keep that good work on fast tracker.. ═══ Only for sysops ══════════════════════════════════ Name of the Board..: Handle of the sysop: Group..............: Location...........: Phone numbers......: Want to be a : Distro [ ] HQ [ ] ═══ Board who support us ═════════════════════════════ ┌──────────┬────────┬─────────────────┬──────────────────┬────────┐ │ Board │Location│ Tel │ Sysop │ │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │ACE │FRANCE │+3345887548 │Gandalf/infiny │ WHQ │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Genesis │BELGIUM │+33???????? │Fakir │ EHQ │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Floodland │FRANCE │+3390289342 │Patriot/S!P │ FHQ │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Equalizer │FRANCE │+3345251923 │Thorin/Melon │ Distro │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Eden │FRANCE │+3334139528 │Ferem/Mwb Corp │ Distro │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Galleria │Finland │+358(9)815555252 │ Timo/Fascination │ FinHq │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Count 0 │Norway │+4755122962 │ Yitzhaq/proxima │ NHq │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │Outpost │Germany │+495419619636 │ Cybermage │ Distro │ ├──────────┼────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────┴────────┘ ════End of File ══════════════════════════════════════
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