
Happy-Hardcore Xmas EP 2003 by BaSShuT [web]

        ______   _____  ____    ____   .___.    __|   /__.
        \____ )_/  _ /_/  _/___/  _/___| __|___/  l   \  |_ _
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     _):                                                     :(_
    \\.:            B   A   S   S   H   U   T                :.//
      |:_     h a p p y h a r d c o r e x m a s e p         _:|
      ::/_                                                 _\::
     _:: /_________________________________________________\ ::_
     \.:__/\__                                               :./
      |:\    /                                               :|
      |:/_  _\    BaSShut Happy Hardcore Gemeinschaft        :|
      |:  \/(_)      presents                     o          :|
      |:      ()        hh-xmasep2k+3              ()_       :|
      |:        o                                   (_)/\__  :|
      |:          .  http://www.basshut.de           \    /  :|
      |:_               [email protected]              /_  _\ _:|
     _|:/_                                             \/  _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:                 ...about this ep...                 :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: basshut is back with another happy hardcore x-mas   :|
      |: ep! after so many of you obviously liked the first  :|
      |: ep in 2002 we decided to bring you another present  :|
      |: in 2003. as this years ep wasn't a spontanious idea :|
      |: one might think we had a lot of time to create this :|
      |: piece of work - wrong! once again we created the    :|
      |: whole ep from the brainstorming till the final      :|
      |: version within only 4 weeks!!! too much reallife    :|
      |: around i guess ;)                                   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: this year we didn't bring a new, but funny idea to  :|
      |: you: the ep is a christmas tree, but before you can :|
      |: listen to the tracks, you have got to decorate the  :|
      |: tree. who thinks that this is too much work can use :|
      |: the "random decorate" function.                     :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: you can save your decorated tree with 's' and       :|
      |: open it again with 'o'. if we're not all lazy       :|
      |: we might add a web-upload and download-area. but    :|
      |: don't count on it ;)                                :|
      |: NOW ENJOY!                                          :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: if you have problems with the ep or want to report  :|
      |: bugs, please mail to [email protected]                :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: your basshut-team                                   :|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
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      |:                                                     :|
      |:                    ...credits...                    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:             code.................muhmac             :|
      |:             gfx..................dfox               :|
      |:             ascii................d0N                :|
      |:             music................scamp              :|
      |:             music................sobec              :|
      |:             music................bacter             :|
      |:             music................seismic            :|
      |:             music................spy-da             :|
      |:             music................wayfinder          :|
      |:             music................eha                :|
      |:             music................chaotic            :|
      |:_                                                   _:|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:                  ...tracklist...                    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  scamp and joan                                     :|
      |:   |___                           herr deine liebe   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  sobec                                              :|
      |:   |___         petrys heil (feat. wolfgang petry)   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  bacter                                             :|
      |:   |___                 angels like happy hardcore   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  seismic                                            :|
      |:   |___                              feliz navidad   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  spy-da & seismic feat. onkel dagobert 1982         :|
      |:   |___         keiner schaut durchs schlⁿsselloch   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  wayfinder                                          :|
      |:   |___                               wham tam tam   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  eha                                                :|
      |:   |___                               jingle bells   :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  chaotic                                            :|
      |:   |___                       frieden fuer die welt   :|
      |:_                                                   _:|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     _|:                                            : d0n/1oo:|_
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