
Das Polkatro - win32port by John Trapolka Memorial Krew

                      --  ANDESA Soft International  --    [English Edition]
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                                 ON DEMO SCENE

                     64Kb Demo For Paradox'2000 Demo Party!
_______________________Party Place Rostov-on-Don, Russia.____________________

                ║   Real Name     │ Occupation  │   Age   ║ 
                ║ Denis Astahov   │ Programmer  │    19   ║
                ║ Vallyer Astakhov│ Musician    │    21   ║

Minimal Configuration:
80386 Processor   CPU √
80387 CoProcessor FPU √
256k Video Memory VGA √
500k Base Mamory      √

On Start, Demo Check:
1. Operating System: DOS or WINDOWS.
2. Type of Processor, if less than 80386, Exit with Error!
3. Detection Sound Blaster.
4. Start with Music or without.

For Start without Music please add parametr /nosound or /NOSOUND
In command line it will be  'israelsc.com /nosound' or
                            'israelsc.com /NOSOUND'

This Demo consist 50 Effects!

On 386DX-40 Demo will Run very Slowly in some palces.
On 486DX2-66 too. I wrote Demo on my computer and I made it for
my CPU (CELERON-400Mhz).
On my Copmuter I don't have any Slow Places! :)

History of Creation:
When I made somethink New and Cool on SPHINX C--, I complit Intro
for needed size 256, 512 bytes and New Intro for Demo Party was Maded!
Never I don't have patience for Made somethink BIG, many effects in one File.
But Now I Made it, And you see it...
In time of creation Demo, I haved 8-th examinations in Tel-Aviv University!
I worked only at Night, becouse at Day I don't have time...

Demo Fully wroted on SPHINX C--.
This is My First Big Work and First Work with Music!

In Demo there are words: Israeli Demo Scene not Dead!
And Demo Called: Israel On Demo Scene!
Now many of Israeli Demo Groups is Dead, but some Groups still alive.
Israeli Demo Party (MOVEMENT'xxxx) last time was in 1998 year,
and in this year Party not will be.
Israeli Demo Scene Dead, but in this Demo I want to show, that
Israeli Demo Scene not Dead, she slipping...  :)

                                            I'em very hope...
All about Israeli Demo Scene you may read in file 'ilscene.txt'
Just run Demo with parametr /ilscene or /ILSCENE
Only on Russian Laguage,... Sorry! :)

Music only for Sound Blaster Compatible Devide.
If Demo Run without Music and you have Sound Blaster,
Try Unload Some drivers and Run Demo Again.
Demo will start without Music if you Run it under Windows NT or Windows'2000.

Demo was Tested of The following Operating Systems:
1. MS-DOS 6.22       All Ok!
2. Windows 3.11      All Ok!
3. Windows 95        All Ok!
4. Windows 98        All Ok!
5. Windows NT 4.0    All Ok! But without Music. :)
6. Windows 2000      All Ok! But without Music. :)

In creation this Demo, nexts Software was used:
1. SPHINX  C-- Compiler   Version 0.228
2. Volkov Commander       Version 4.03
3. Reality Adlib Tracker  Version 1.1a
4. TheDraw                Version 4.60

                      We want to Send Greetings:


                           Future Crew
                           Moon Hunters
                           Y. O. E.
                           Terminal Studio
                           Together Crew
                           The SandS
                           Storm Studios
                           SUNRISE Soft
                           AVA Soft
                           MAD Gophers
                           Russian Kullubussian

If you want to Contact with me, Please write:
FidoNet   - 2:403/400.0
E-Mail    - [email protected]
ICQ#      - 61035400
Home Page - http://andesa.da.ru/
CellPhone - +972-5-3941763
                                                       Israel, Petah-Tikva.
--          Copyright (c) 1995-2000 by ANDESA Soft International         --