
Hätä by Da Jormas [web]

Short:    dA JoRMaS: HΣtΣ (3rd at Assembly 2003 oldskool demo competition)
Author:   [email protected] (dA JoRMaS)
Uploader: [email protected] (Vesuri/dA JoRMaS)
Type:     demo/sound
Requires: Any Amiga with 1Mb Chip Mem

		 sTZ!.___  ____  ______ _______ ____ _____
		 ____|   \_\   \_\__   \\      \\__ \\   /__
		 \   |   _/     \  /  _/.  \/  /  _  \____  \
		  \______|______/__\____|__/  /___\___//____/
		 .------------------------/___\---------- - -
		 |An Assembly 2003 oldskool demo compo entry.
                 | Minimum requirements: 68000/OCS/1MB Chip

HΣtΣ does not support gfx cards. It always runs in a PAL screenmode.

There is one tooltype / command line argument:

JRm-hata.eXE ?

LOOP: The demo loops until the user clicks the left mousebutton.

: Code                        Vesuri :: Modulename                  Raunio :
: Graphics                    Vesuri :: Modulelength                368946 :
: Music                       Vesuri :: Playtime                     3"04' :
: Style                      Electro :: BPM                            120 :

:                            dA JoRMaS in the net                          :
: dA JoRMaS Home Page                               http://www.jormas.com/ :
: dA JoRMaS E-Mail                                       [email protected] :