Error In Line 2 - Falcon by Dead Hackers Society [web]
E R R O R I N L I N E # 2 (back to the underground) ------------------- OFFICIAL INVITATION ------------------- 1. Introduction 2. The Time 3. The Place 4. The Party 5. Competitions 6. General rules 7. Hints 8. Thanks 9. Contact ........................................................................... 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- Already two years have passed by since the "Error In Line '99" took place. Now after those two years of recreationtime we are glad to invite you to the "ERROR IN LINE #2" convention. With new motivation and from what we learned from "Error In Line '99" we hope to be able to offer you a convention full of fun, creativity and interesting experiences. The convention will be open for all fans of alternative systems, such as Atari, Unix, Acorn, Amiga, C64. As usual, the convention will take place at Easter (13.-16.April 2001) in Dresden, Germany. Following feedback of several "Error In Line '99"-visitors there weren't many complaints about the partyplace, date, competitions and services. So generally the convention will take place in a similiar style, but we have added some more services and competitions for some more pleasure. We will try our best to arrange a great Easter convention and hope to see you next Easter in Dresden - back to the underground. ............................................................................ 2. TIME ------- The convention will start: Friday, 13.April 2001, 11:00 AM. And the official end is: Monday, 16.April 2001, 11:00 AM. ............................................................................ 3. THE PLACE ------------ The party will be located in a club namend "GAG18" near the city center of Dresden. The railway station, tram, bus, mcdonalds and the city center are easily reachable by foot. The Partyaddress: Kellerclub GAG 18 e.V. Fritz-Loeffler-Str.16 01169 Dresden Germany How to get to the Partyplace.. By Car: There are 2 possibilities to go by car, depending on where you come from: (1) If you are driving to Dresden on the A4 from "Eisenach" then leave the motorway at the exit called "Dresden-Altstadt." After that, keep on following the traffic signs that direct to "Prag/Praha." Drive on like this for a while as long as you are driving on a street called "Nuernberger EI." This is a big 4-track street which is partly divided by a big green isle. Keep on going straight on until you reach the first traffic light after the green isle. Now turn left at the crossroad and drive down a little hill. Now you should see an old Russian Church on the right side. When you have passed this Church turn left. Now you should be driving on the "Reichenbachstrasse". Turn right into the next street and look for a parking place. You are here. (2) If you are driving to Dresden on the A4 from "Bautzen" then leave the motorway at the exit "Dresden-Hellerau." Then turn right and keep on going straigth on until you reach the railwaystation called "Bahnhof Dresden-Neustadt." This is not the main railwaystation of Dresden, so take care you don't get confused. Anyway, drive through under the railway and then turn to the right. Now you can go straight forward again. You will drive over a big bridge and after some minutes of driving, you will reach the central station of Dresden (Dresden Hauptbahnhof) on the right. Turn right at the next crossroad and drive through under the station. You have been driving the right way when you do see a "Conrad Elec- tronics" shop on the right side. Turn right into the next smaller street and then turn left again at the next crossroad. Ok, only ca. 200 meters to go straight on now. You are here. If you are in the area around the partyplace, please park your car some- where and then we will show you a good parking place. But please do not drive over meadows, don't drive through restricted areas and don't re- move any posts! (hey tSCc & Fun, did you read carefully?) By Train: Reaching the partyplace if you arrive by train is an easy task. Just leave the railway station (Hauptbahnhof!) through the Maindoors and turn right. Now keep on going straight forward. You will walk through under a bridge, cross a street and you will stand in front of the "Conrad Electronics" - building. Keep on walking straight on (on its left side) and you will see a big and green meadow. After ca. 150 meters you should have reached a bigger building with two yellow phoneboxes in front of it. Now just enter the door with the "GAG 18" - sign. You are here. By Plane: If you are going by plane to Dresden, you will arrive at the airport Dresden-Klotzsche. From there, some shuttlebus is driving to the central railwaystation of Dresden. If you are there you can just follow the way described in the "coming by train" part. Anyway, if this is too complicated for you then contact us as early as possible, so we can take you from the airport to the partyplace by car. We will put up signs so you will find the way easier. If you still have problems to find the location, try to call us under the following phone numbers and we will try to help you: Joerg Anderson 0173/8669431 Nils Feske 0170/9508171 GAG 18 0351/4719085 ............................................................................ 4. THE PARTY ------------ The location is big enough for 100-150 computerfreaks from many different countries. The partyplace is comfortable and features a sleeping room, a bar with fair prices, WCs, showers and is divided in a smoker and a non- smoker area. For the entertainment side you can expect: - the big screen for demo-watching/gaming pleasures - numerous competitions and prizes - an internetroom (Linux network) - a realtime article - the possibility to play Dart - the possibility to play Volleyball - pizzaservice and other foodservices - the central situation of the location - a parking area nearby - shops near the party place - the opportunity to come even earlier and have a look at Dresden for some days. But therefore you have to tell us early, so we can try to organize some place for you. The entrance fee for all 4 days is 30 DM (15 Euro) The entrance fee for only 1 day is 10 DM ( 5 Euro) Still the room is limited, since the computerequipment is taking a lot of space. In other words we can not gurantee place for everybody, as long as you are not registered. So please register and make sure you get space for you and your equipment. The registering fee is 25 DM (12.5 euro). Remittance to the following account: Stadtsparkasse Dresden Account owner: Jens Syckor Banking account: 442 027 035 Banking leadnr.: 850 551 42 ............................................................................ 5. THE COMPETITIONS ------------------- The competitions will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Since we want to avoid problems or crashes during the presentation we will record your entries on a videotape. You can sit next to us when we record your entry, so everything does work out as it should in the final presentation. You can run your entries on our hardware: - Atari Falcon 030 16 Mhz, FPU, 4 or 14 MB RAM - Atari 1040 STf 8 Mhz, TOS 1.04, 1 MB RAM - Atari 1040 STe 8 Mhz, TOS 2.06, 4 MB RAM or on your own one (including accerlators, memory extensions etc.). We will announce the specifications of the used hardware during the presentation. - FALCON 030 DEMO COMPETITION The maximal size is 6 Megabytes. - ATARI ST DEMO COMPETITION The maximal size is 2 DD disks. - ATARI 8-BIT DEMO COMPETITION The required hardware to run the demo has to be provided. - INTRO COMPETITION The maximal size is 98304 bytes. All avaiable systems are welcome. - 4 KILOBYTE INTRO COMPETITION The max. size is 4096 bytes. All available systems are allowed. - 128 BYTE INTRO COMPETITION The max. filesize is 160 bytes including the header. All systems. - WHIP! - MODULE COMPETITION The music for the presentation can be chosen by the coder. - TRUECOLOR GRAPHICS COMPETITION The name of the software and hardware that has been used to create the pictures will be displayed. The entries have to be in a standart format, such as GIF, JPEG or TGA. - 16 COLORS GRAPHICS COMPETITION The maximum number of colors used has to be 16. (gosh!:) The name of the software and hardware that has been used to create the pictures will be displayed. The entries have to be in a standart format such as GIF, PC1 or PI1. - 4 COLORS GRAPHICS COMPETITION The graphics can be painted on any system and have to use 4 colors or less. The pictures should either be in standart formats or you should give us a viewer. - MULTICHANNEL MUSIC COMPETITION The musics will be played in every avaiable player and should not exceed a filesize of 1.4 MB. We will display the replayprogram on the bigscreen during the competition. - 4 CHANNEL MUSIC COMPETITION The musics have to be in Protracker format and the allowed filesize is 1.4 MB. Protracker will be displayed on the bigscreen while playing. - YM-SOUNDCHIP MUSIC COMPETITION The songs will be replayed on an Atari ST. You have to give us the necessary software for replay. - POKEY-SOUNDCHIP MUSIC COMPETITION You have to provide the required hardware and software. - GAMING COMPETITION - FAKE DEMO COMPETITION The entries have to run on one of the available systems. - WILD COMPETITION Anything allowed (videos, liveacts, musics, cakes, ...) - SURPRISE COMPETITION COMPETITION RULES: - - - - - - - - - - Every entry has to be done by yourself. - If you cannot be present at the convention someone else can enter your contibution in the compo. - The entries have to be delievered on DD or HD-formatted disks. - In case of too many entries we may preselect. - Entries with racialhostile or pornographic contents will be disqualified. - The entries have to compete. - We will announce the hardwarespecifications used for the presentation. - If there is a high request for other competitions, we may add them. - The visitors can vote for their favourite contibutions. - Everyone who has paid the entrance fee can win prizes for his entries. - We will publish all entries after the party. - We may change the competition rules. ............................................................................ 6. GENERAL RULES: ----------------- 1. Drinking is allowed as far nobody and nothing else suffers under that. 2. Smoking is allowed in the smoker areas ONLY. 3. Every visitor is responsible for his equiqment. 4. Microwaves are not allowed. 5. Copying pirate software is not allowed, as well. 6. Please keep the toilets and showers clean. 7. Follow the organizers requests. 8. All damage has to be paid by the person who caused it. ............................................................................ 7. HINTS -------- - for getting the latest news, additional information and updates about EIL #2 you can have a look at the EIL #2 homepage at: or just join the scenemailinglist for questions, discussions, etc. - the shops in Germany are not open on Sunday and Monday, so you should buy what you need to survive on Friday and Saturday already. - Do not forget to bring the following stuff with you: - multiply cords - your sleeping bag - money - a map - this text - hard- & software ............................................................................ 8. THANKS --------- Thanks to all the people who support and help us! ............................................................................ 9. CONTACT: ----------- Mail: Nils Feske Caemmerswalder Str.19 01189 Dresden GERMANY Phone: +0049 351/4015284 +0049 170/9508171 Email: [email protected] WWW: Mailinglist: list address: [email protected] subscribe: [email protected] subject 'subscribe' unsubscribe: [email protected] subject 'unsubscribe' Contact the Polish headquarter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mail: Grey / Mystic Bytes Michal Michalowski ul. Goszczynskiego 2/10 80-134 Gdansk POLAND Phone: +4858 303-34-67 Email: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checkpoint & Escape 1998 - 2001 All Rights Reserved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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