
Fate fits karma by MadWizards [web]


                                   simon says
                               click click click
                                  they're back

                       someone once said that dreams are
                       the realities of another dimension
                     and that difficult to tell them apart.

                           i think that may be true.

   prologue. click click click strikes back.

   The  United States has admitted responsibility for striking a civilian bus
   inside  Western  Iraq  but  added  that  Iraqi  President Saddam Hussein?s
   government  bears  ultimate  responsibility for the episode because of its
   non-compliance  with  UN resolutions, according to a military spokesman at
   US  Central  Command in Doha, Qatar.  Five Syrians were killed and 10 were
   hurt  when  a  US missile struck the bus in Rutba, western Iraq, as it was
   returning  to  neighboring  Syria  on Sunday morning, the Syrian Arab News
   Agency  SANA reported.  The bus was carrying 37 Syrians when it was struck
   as  it drove through Rutba, 160 kilometres (100 miles) from the border, it
   said.   "Unfortunately  yesterday  (Sunday)  coalition  forces destroyed a
   civilian  bus during targeting of a bridge on the Iraqi side of the Syrian
   border,"  a  US  military spokesman said in a statement at the coalition's
   forward  command headquarters in Qatar.  "The bridge was in the process of
   being  hit by munitions when the civilian bus attempted to cross.  The bus
   stopped  on  the bridge and was hit by munitions already released prior to
   the bus approaching the bridge," he said.

   chapter one. how to introduce yourself?

   Following  is  the  official list of American military personnel killed in
   Operation  Iraqi  Freedom  as of 10 a.m.  EDT Friday:  April 8:  Army Cpl.
   Henry  L.   Brown,  22, of Natchez, Miss.  Died of wounds received from an
   enemy  rocket  attack  south  of  Baghdad.   Assigned  to Headquarters and
   Headquarters  Company,  1st Battalion, 64th Field Artillery Regiment, Fort
   Stewart,  Ga.   Marine  Pfc.  Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., 20, of Temperance,
   Mich.   Killed  in  combat.   Assigned  to  the  1st Battalion, 4th Marine
   Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Calif.  Army Pfc.  Jason M.
   Meyer,  23, of Swartz Creek, Mich.  Killed in action in Iraq.  Assigned to
   B  Company,  11th  Engineer  Battalion, Fort Stewart, Ga.  Air Force Staff
   Sgt.   Scott  D.   Sather,  29,  of Clio, Mich.  Killed in action in Iraq.
   Assigned  to  the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Pope Air Force Base, N.C.
   Army  Staff  Sgt.   Robert  A.   Stever, 36, of Pendleton, Ore.  Killed in
   action  by  enemy fire in Iraq.  Assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters
   Company, 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, Ft.
   Stewart,  Ga.   April  7:  Marine Lance Cpl.  Andrew Julian Aviles, 18, of
   Palm  Beach,  Fla.   Killed  in central Iraq when an enemy artillery round
   struck the Amphibious Assault Vehicle in which he was riding.  Assigned to
   the  4th  Assault  Amphibian  Battalion,  4th Marine Division, Tampa, Fla.
   Army  Staff  Sgt.   Lincoln  Hollinsaid,  27, of Malden, Ill.  Killed in a
   grenade  attack.   Assigned  to  B  Company, 11th Engineer Battalion, Fort
   Stewart,  Ga.   Army  2nd  Lt.   Jeffrey  J.   Kaylor, 24, of Clifton, Va.
   Killed  in  action  in  Iraq.  Assigned to C Battery, 39th Field Artillery
   Battalion,  Fort Stewart, Ga.  Marine Cpl.  Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin,
   21,  of Fort Worth, Texas.  Killed in central Iraq when an enemy artillery
   round  struck  the  Amphibious  Assault  Vehicle  in  which he was riding.
   Assigned to the 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp
   Pendleton,  Calif.   Army  Pfc.   Anthony  S.  Miller, 19, of San Antonio.
   Killed  by  enemy  indirect  fire  in  Iraq.  Assigned to Headquarters and
   Headquarters  Company,  3rd  Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade, Fort Stewart,
   Ga.   Army Spc.  George A.  Mitchell, 35, of Rawlings, Md.  Died of wounds
   received  from  an  enemy  rocket  attack  south  of Baghdad.  Assigned to
   Headquarters  and Headquarters Company, 3rd Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade
   Combat Team, Fort (...)

   welcome party people. madwizards amiga after few weeks of silence are back
   and present to the audience FATE FITS KARMA.  the demo or so called modern
   fable  about  my own temptation".  occassionally it is our contribution to
   the amiga demo competition at breakpoint'03 held in bingen, germany on the
   easter time, april 018th to 021st of 2003.

   chapter two. who are you?

   CAMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar ù The U.S.  military has issued a most-wanted list
   in the form of a deck of cards, and Saddam Hussein is the ace of spades in
   the  pack  of  55  top  figures  in  his  toppled regime.  The cards, with
   pictures of the most-wanted figures, were distributed to thousands of U.S.
   troops  in  the  field  to  help  them  find  the  senior  members  of the
   government.   The  names  also were being put on posters and handbills for
   the  Iraqi  public,  Brig.   Gen.   Vincent  Brooks  said.  Brooks did not
   identify those in the deck, except to suggest they included Saddam and his
   minister   of  information,  Mohammed  Saeed  al-Sahhaf,  who  boasted  of
   battlefield successes right up to the time he disappeared Tuesday.  "There
   are  jokers  in this deck, there is no doubt about that," Brooks said.  He
   said  the  whereabouts  of  some  of the most-wanted figures were unknown,
   while  others  might  well be dead.  "The population will probably confirm
   that  for  us,"  he  said.   "The  key  list has 55 individuals who may be
   pursued, killed or captured, and the list does not exclude leaders who may
   have  already  been killed or captured," Brooks said.  "The intent here is
   to  help the coalition gain information from the Iraqi people so that they
   also  know  exactly  who  it is we seek," he added.  The U.S.  forces have
   twice  bombed  sites  where they believe Saddam may have been staying, and
   his fate is still unknown.  One key figure who British and U.S.  officials
   believe is dead is Ali Hassan al-Majid, a former Iraqi defense chief known
   as  "Chemical  Ali"  for  his role in the 1988 chemical weapons attacks on
   Iraqi  Kurds.  Brooks also said that U.S.  forces found and destroyed five
   small  airplanes  covered  by camouflage along Highway 1 near the northern
   city of Tikrit, Saddam's birthplace.  The planes, he said, could have been
   used  for  escape or to distribute weapons of mass destruction.  They were
   located  after special forces north of Tikrit got caught up in a firefight
   with Iraqi troops, he said.  Brooks said there were increasing indications
   that  regime  leaders  were  trying to flee, including being smuggled out,
   flying  out  or driving out -- and that serious firefights have erupted in
   areas  where  such  convoys  may  have been moving.  He noted that special
   operations  forces had taken the surrender of an Iraqi colonel responsible
   for  Iraqi  checkpoints leading into Syria along highways 10 and 11 in far
   western Iraq, and that coalition troops now controlled the crossings.

   since  the beginning this project seems to be as big as our last year main
   contribution  called "heavy traffic" because once again we want to impress
   as much of party visitors as we want to.  detailed infos who is who today:

   michal wozniak as kiero, poland ..........................................
   codework, virtual camera motions, co-direction ...........................
   ........................................... laurent samami as zaac, france
   ............................... leading visuals, co-modelling, co-textures
   tomasz wisniewski as azzaro, poland ......................................
   visuals, art direction, international team coordination ..................
   ........................................... pawel podolski as podo, poland
   .................................................................. visuals
   kenneth magnusson as louie, sweden .......................................
   co-visuals ...............................................................
   .............................................. kai hawaii as jazz, germany
   .......................................... soundtrack and audio atmosphere
   przemyslaw kuca as ubik, poland ..........................................
   modelling, textures ......................................................
   .................................... miroslaw jablonski as prevent, poland
   ......................... modelling, virtual camera motions and keyframing
   przemyslaw ignasiak as spark, poland .....................................
   modelling, textures ......................................................
   .......................................... andrzej nowinski as def, poland
   ............................................................. co-modelling
   tomasz wojtowicz as xkid, poland .........................................
   co-modelling .............................................................
   ................................... wojciech zytkowiak as flapjack, poland
   ..................................... additional support, alcohol catering

   chapter three. what do you need?

   An explosion damaged part of the British Council building in Beirut in the
   early hours of this morning.  One source claims that a small bomb weighing
   about  400  grams, was placed on one of the building's walls.  Police said
   the explosion caused only light damage.  They have begun an investigation.
   Security  sources,  however,  said  that an unknown assailant had thrown a
   stick  of  dynamite  at  the  British  building, located in the Ras Beirut
   district in the west of the Lebanese capital.  There was a small explosion
   in the wall outside the British Council.  There was a little damage in the
   wall  outside,  but no-one was hurt,?  a British embassy official said.  A
   Reuters  photographer said the blast left a small hole in the pavement and
   smoke  had blackened the walls.  Tuesday morning?s attack was the first on
   British  assets in Lebanon since the two countries began their invasion of
   Iraq.   Several  heated  demonstrations  have  taken place near the US and
   British  embassies in Lebanon to protest against the US-led war that began
   five  days  ago.   Some  of  the  demonstrations  have led to clashes with
   security  forces.   Security has been boosted around the two embassies, as
   well  as  around  those  of  Gulf  Arab countries which are hosting US and
   British  military  forces  which  are attacking Iraq, particularly Kuwait,
   Bahrain  and  Qatar.   A  bomb  has also been thrown at Britain's honorary
   consulate  in  the  port  city  of  Guayaquil  in Ecuador in what may be a
   possible  protest  against  the  war  in  Iraq, officials said today.  The
   explosive,  which  caused  little damage, was thrown at Britain's honorary
   consular  offices  at  about  0430  GMT Monday, a spokesman at the British
   embassy  in  Quito  told  Reuters.   No  one was injured in the blast.  An
   investigation is underway.

   our  needs  are  simply:   amiga  based  clone  with  really fast power pc
   processor,  64mbytes of fastram, video acceleration card with at least 8mb
   of  graphics  memory, fast hdd with less than 15 mbytes of free space, ahi
   v4+  audio device for full stereo and high quality optimised mp3 playback,
   latest  version  of  libraries (most wanted included) and lot of optimism.
   of  course  it works on pegasos.  recommended:  pegasos with radeon 12400,
   256 mb of fastram or wait for divx version (one frame pointless design).

   chapter four. who do you know?

   Iraqi  intelligence  agents  planned  to attack CNN journalists working in
   Kurdish-controlled  northern  Iraq  in  March,  three  months after Iraq's
   information minister warned of the "severest possible consequences" if CNN
   were  to  send  reporters  to the region, said CNN's chief news executive,
   Eason  Jordan.  The plot was uncovered by Kurdish police, who arrested two
   men  who  identified  themselves  as  Iraqi  intelligence agents.  CNN has
   obtained  videotaped  confessions in which the men said their superiors in
   Baghdad, Iraq, asked them to blow up a hotel in Erbil where CNN staff were
   staying.  The men planned to use nearly a ton of explosives in the attack,
   but  they  were  arrested  before they could carry out the plan.  In their
   confessions,  the  men said they had been told that CIA and Israeli agents
   were  working  out  of  the  hotel,  using  CNN as a cover.  Jordan:  Iraq
   tortured,  killed those who helped CNN In an article published in Friday's
   editions  of  The New York Times, Jordan outlined incidents in which Iraqi
   officials  had  intimidated, tortured and killed people who had worked for
   CNN or helped the network with its coverage in Iraq.  Those incidents have
   never before been revealed because they could have put people in jeopardy,
   Jordan  said.   In  the  mid-1990s,  a Iraqi cameraman working for CNN was
   abducted, held for weeks and subjected to electroshock torture in a secret
   police  headquarters  when  he  refused to confirm that Jordan was the CIA
   station chief in Iraq, Jordan said.  Also, a Kuwaiti woman, Asrar Qabandi,
   who had talked to CNN by telephone during Iraq's occupation of her country
   in  1990, was captured by Iraqi secret police.  On the eve of the U.S.-led
   campaign,  she was killed, her body torn limb from limb and the body parts
   left  on the doorstep of her family's home, Jordan said.  Jordan also said
   that  in 1995, Saddam Hussein's son, Uday, had told him that he planned to
   assassinate  his two brothers-in-law who had defected from Iraq to Jordan.
   In  addition, Uday said, he planned to kill Jordan's King Hussein, who had
   given  them  asylum.   Eason Jordan said he told King Hussein of the plot,
   but  the king dismissed it as "a madman's rant." The Jordanian monarch was
   not  harmed, but Uday's brothers-in-law were lured back to Iraq and killed
   several months later.

   kisses and flowers to all people here at bingen!!  also greetings and hand
   shakes to all our friends in these teams (non-alphabetical order):  floppy
   ephidrena  whelpz potion decree veezya sunflower mfx nahkolor crimsonjihad
   thegrid  theblacklotus appendix encore razor1911 haujobb kolor farb-rausch
   calodox  mankind cocoon fairlight addict spaceballs ravenetworkoverscan b0
   unique tpolm prototype and all forgotten of course.

   epilogue. what's next?

   An  al-Jazeera  reporter had to be rescued from a crowd of Iraqi Americans
   celebrating  the  fall of Saddam Hussein's regime after they turned on him
   and  his  cameraman.   Nezam  Mahdawi,  Washington  correspondent  for the
   Arabic-language  broadcaster,  was  set upon by angry demonstrators in the
   Detroit   suburb  of  Dearborn,  where  he  had  travelled  to  cover  the
   spontaneous   demonstration.   Independent  Arab  television  station  Al-
   Jazeera  has  reached  a deal to transmit its news reports on cable in the
   US.   The station, one of the most-watched channels in the Arab world, has
   come  in for fierce criticism for some of its coverage of the war on Iraq.
   Critics  hit  out  at  its  use  of  images of dead coalition soldiers and
   prisoners  of  war.   But  others view it as one of the only news channels
   which  gives  a  Arab  perspective  on  the fighting.  BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN)
   Al-Jazeera  TV  says one of its journalists was killed Tuesday when a U.S.
   airstrike  hit  a building housing Arab media, the Arab network said.  The
   reporter,  identified  as  Tariq  Ayoub, was carried along the street in a
   blanket  before  being  placed  in the back of an Abu Dhabi TV vehicle and
   being  rushed  off  for  medical treatment.  An Al-Jazeera reporter on-air
   said  he  felt,  as  did his colleagues, the U.S.  strike was a deliberate
   attack  against the network, since two missiles hit the building, not one,
   and  that  the  raid  happened at about the same time Abu Dhabi TV offices
   were hit.

   see you soon somewhere on bigscreen.  if you care about demoscene and want
   to  be  a  part of the good event try to visit symphony demoscene festival
   organised  by  madwizards  and friends this summer in poznan, poland.  for
   all  detailed  informations  about  try  www.madwizards.org/symphony or at
   official public realtions department at [email protected].  ticket
   bookings  or  table  reservations are on the way - please stay in contact.

                                        www.madwizards.org for staying tuned.

                 [email protected] for public relations.
     [email protected] for joining most productive demo team this days.

                       war is not the answer. alcohol is.

[c] madwizards october 2002 - april 2003.
    five months of hard work et testings.
    party version just for your pleasure.
