embrion #08 by Veezya [web]
_ _ __ _\ __ ___ ____ _ _____ _____ _/ //_____._\_\/_//_ / /______ _\\_ /___ _\//_ __\\_ \_ _\\_ \_ _) _/ | \/ (_ _ / _/ // (_ / / / / \ \ | .: / \ / \ \_ / / / \ /____\_____|___||____\________\_____\_____/_____\________\____\______\ - -diP----------------------------------------------------------aSL- - E M B R I O N P A C K # 0 8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - . . uncontrolled violence = 000.0% : ╝ promiscuous ### scenes = 000.0% ╝ ╝ . .... .... .... .... gore feeling = 000.0% ╝ ::.: :: : :: : :: : .... ╝ ::.: ::.: ::.: ::.: . terrible grammar = 000.0% ╝ ╝ bullshit written above = 100.0% : . . : packed by kempy = 100.0% ╝ ╝ graphics by darklight = 100.0% .... .... .... .... . ╝ .... : :: : :: : :: :.:: ╝ slow asm code by juen = 100.0% . :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: ╝ ╝ tracked music by misc. = 100.0% ╝ : playability = 000.0% . . requires ahi system = 100.0% : ╝ requires 68020+ = 100.0% ╝ ╝ . .... .... .... .... requires aga = 100.0% ╝ ::.: :: : :: : :: : .... ╝ ::.: ::.: ::.: ::.: . requires 4mb of fastram = 100.0% ╝ ╝ requires IQ > 85 = 000.0% : . . : setup ahi for 4 channels modules ╝ ╝ > > > paula 8 bit stereo 28 khz .... .... .... .... . ╝ .... : :: : :: : :: :.:: ╝ setup ahi for multi-channel ones . :.:: :.:: :.:: :.:: ╝ ╝ > > paula 14 bit stereo++ 28 khz ╝ : > three-headed monkeys on stage < . . embrion is voteware = > yes! : ╝ support is welcome = > yes! ╝ ╝ . .... .... .... .... feedback is required = > yes! ╝ ::.: :: : :: : :: : .... ╝ ::.: ::.: ::.: ::.: . contact at [email protected] = > yes! ╝ ╝ do you hate chippacks? = > not! : . . [ EMBRION is a produkt of VEEZYA team 1998 - 2003 ] .
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