
urban chaos savegame editor (intro) by German Warez Alliance & Share And Enjoy

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─ ─────────────────────   ─ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ─   ─────────────────────── ─
            Urban Chaos Savegame Editor (c) German Warez Alliance
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─
│   IDEA ········ : +s0nYK             │    DATE ·· : 12/12/99                │
│   HELP ········ : Tapete             │    TYPE ·· : Savegame Editor         │
│   CODE ········ : B00m               │    SiZE ·· : 1x 200KB                │
│   PACKAGER ···· : +s0nYK             │    OPSYS · : Windows 9x / NT / Win2k │
│   REQUiREMENTS  : A Copy Urban Chaos (German or English)                    │
│                        ────══■ RELEASE NOTES ■══────                        │
  This is a multi functional Savegame Editor for Urban Chaos
  Features :

  - Skip/Finish Missions
  - Edit Player values such as Strenght,Constitution,Reflex,Stamina
  - Change Game Menue Appearance
  - Change Savegame Name
  - Multi language Layout (German,English)
│                        ────══■ iNSTALL NOTES ■══────                        │

  Unzip/Unrar and run ucsedit.exe
  Then load the savegame you wish to edit.
                                                              - +s0nYK [GWA]
│                          ────══■ GROUP NEWS ■══────                         │

                      .:[x]:.  NEW MAiL-ADDRESSES  .:[x]:.

  GWA changed its email address to [email protected], however, our old
  mail address ([email protected]) will still be vaild.
  In case you are interessted in joining the Alliance drop us a line at:
  [email protected]

                   . ..o░O░o  #GWA - CHANNEL: -k  o░O░o.. .

                           Feel free  to join  us!

                     <   < <<<  GWA's MOST WANTED >>> >   >
  + At the moment we need *good* crackers; best would be on a fast connection  
  + We also need suppliers of high quality software ...NO WEB CRAP !
  + And for temp jobs we need tcl-scripters and good intro/demo coders ...

                  ! Contact us via mail: [email protected] !

   		                                   German-Warez-Alliance CREW 
│                           ────══■ GREETiNGS ■══────                         │
│                                                                             │
│                       FAiRLIGHT  CORE    COUNCIL    DW                   │
│                                                                             │
│                           ────══■ TEAM GWA ■══────                          │
│                                                                             │
│    Founderz..:   MasterJax  Toasty (retired)                               │
│                                                                             │
│    President.:   MasterJax                                                  │
│                                                                             │
│    Vice-Prez.:   CPiRe  Smakkker  Trystan                                 │
│                                                                             │
│    Council...:   +s0nYK  viny                                              │
│                                                                             │
│    Members...:   Andrenalin  b00m  B|0S  CALi  camouflage gambit!       │
│                  |CCCP|  ConfusePC  Dj-MaX  dj_vertox  GermaN           │
│                  GiveMe5  Gizmo  JoKeR1910  k?r  NADA  naManaX         │
│                  RidlexX  rubor  staralien  tee[v]aan  Terminal Cilla   │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│    SiteOps...:   DeniedCo  dow  hoopy  MeDlor  MekkElek  Teklord       │
│                  TW|Stalk  valient  ]-[oppla                              │
│                                                                             │
│                  ────══■ GERMAN WAREZ ALLiANCE SiTES ■══────                │
│                                                                             │
│ Fxxxxxxx Ox Sxxxxxxx ... 100 MBiT ....WORLD  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ ixxxXxxxxxx ............ 155 MBiT ..RELEASE  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Txx Pxxxxxx ............ 155 MBiT ....ASiAN  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Dxxxxx Bx Zxxx ......... 135 MBiT .......US  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Mxxxxxxx Fxxxxx ........ 100 MBiT .EUROPEAN  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Uxxxxxxxx .............. 100 MBiT ..COURiER  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Wxxxxxxxxx ............. 038 MBiT .EASTEURO  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Pxx Wxxxx Hxxxx ........ 010 MBiT ...GERMAN  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Txx Lxxxxx Bxx ......... 010 MBiT .CANADiAN  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Txx Lxxx Rxxxxx ........ 010 MBiT ......GWA  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│ Xxxxxxxxxxxxx .......... 010 MBiT ..ARCHiVE  HQ .. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX .. xx GB │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│                        ────══■ APPLiCATiON NFO ■══────                      │
│                                                                             │
│ We are looking only for highly qualified and dedicated people. If you think │
│ you would  be a useful addition to the  group and are  willing to work hard │
│ contact us immediately. Generally we are looking for excellent              │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│  Crackers on a fast connection (dongle crackers are welcome :)             │
│  Suppliers, who can supply unreleased retail software                      │
│  Suppliers working for a hardware store and can supply new hardware        │
│  Shell-Suppliers (legal shells only)                                       │
│  Site-Ops - with a T3+ Site                                                │
│  revolutionary ideas... we are always trying to improve the group so       │
│   please feel free to report them to us.                                    │
│                                                                             │
│                 ──══■ ! We are NOT accepting couriers ! ■══──               │
│                                                                             │
│                           ────══■CONTACT US■══────                          │
│    ViA:                                                                     │
│                         iRC    #GWA (efnet)                                │
│                         EMAiL  [email protected]                        │
│                         WWW    http://www.gwa-efnet.de                     │