
Bitch4K by Surprise!Productions [web]

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|                S U R P R I S E !   P R O D U C T I O N S                   |
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|                     p r e s e n t   o n   13. 03. 2003                     |
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|           yes we rule -> BITCH 4K <- expect more sooooooooonish!           |
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|             everything by the world famous EvilOne of S!P                  |
|             Win32, fast machine, 3d gfx card, love & beer                  |
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| Contact us:                                                                |
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| Surprise! Productions     [wwweb]      http://www.surprise-productions.org |
|                           [email]                  [email protected] |
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| Greetings:                                                                 |
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| Surprise! Productions sends  special greetings  to all members of Scoopex, |
| Damones, Speckdrumm,  Creators, Resistance,  Razor 1911 Demo, The Silents, |
| Loonies,  Dual Crew Shining,  The Black Lotus,  Tristar & Red Sector Inc., |
| 100 % Prophets,  Accession,  Fairlight,  Triad,  Paradox,   PISS,  Reason, |
| Scarab, Nah-Kolor,  Madwizards  as well as our friends at  Total Kaos BBS, |
| Orange Juice, #coders, #amigascne, #amigaexotic, #pixel, #c-64, #thescene, |
| forgotten ones may forgive us :-)                                          |
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| We are looking for 3d graphics artists to join our group for artistic      |
| support. If you are interested, contact us by mail or simply join          |
| #s!p on IRCNet.                                                            |
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| oldschool file_id.diz and infofile by ReeBoK / S!P with help from RGB :-)  |
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