
VecEdit 3.00 by Core

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                The ULTIMATE 3D vector editor!

                        version 3.00

        Copyright (c)  Jason P. Hoerner  (Grey Cat/  CORE)
                     All rights reserved

Vecedit is FREEWARE, and as such, no money may be charged for use or
distribution of Vecedit.  The author is not responsible for any damages
caused by use or misuse of any part of Vecedit.  The use of Vecedit is
entirely at your own risk.

Following is a list of files that should be included in the archive.
Vecedit must be distributed intact with all the files listed below!

  Filename    │   Size    │             Description
              │           │
│  BLIMP1.VEC │    5,170  │   Blimp object,  by Geronimo,Grey Cat      │
│    BUG2.VEC │   15,564  │   Bug object,    by Geronimo               │
│  DODEC1.VEC │      668  │   Dodecahedron,  by Grey Cat               │
│ FUNKGOU.TEX │    9,944  │                                            │
│ FUNKGOU.VEC │    9,084  │   Gouraud shaded torus,     by Grey Cat    │
│ GOUCUP4.TEX │    4,368  │                                            │
│ GOUCUP4.VEC │    4,211  │   Gouraud cup with handle,  by Grey Cat    │
│  GOUHIT.TEX │    3,704  │                                            │
│  GOUHIT.VEC │    3,078  │   Gouraud word "hit",       by Grey Cat    │
│ GOUPAWN.TEX │    5,106  │                                            │
│ GOUPAWN.VEC │    4,257  │   Gouraud shaded pawn,      by Grey Cat    │
│    LOGO.VEC │    9,180  │   CORE logo,     by Geronimo               │
│  SHIP2C.VEC │    3,553  │   Spaceship,     by Geronimo               │
│ TEXCUBE.TEX │    1,564  │                                            │
│ TEXCUBE.VEC │      294  │   Texture cube,  by Grey Cat               │
│             │           │                                            │
│ PALETTE.PAL │      768  │   Sample palette file                      │
│    TEST.TGA │    4,882  │   Sample 8-bit TGA file                    │
│             │           │                                            │
│    CONV.EXE │   85,711  │   Simple object conversion utility         │
│             │           │                                            │
│ TEXEDIT.CFG │      809  │   Texedit configuration file               │
│ TEXEDIT.EXE │  259,178  │   Texedit, gouraud/texture editor          │
│ TEXEDIT.HLP │   19,971  │   Texedit help file                        │
│             │           │                                            │
│ VECEDIT.CFG │      809  │   Vecedit configuration file               │
│ VECEDIT.EXE │  372,145  │   Vecedit 3D vector object editor          │
│ VECEDIT.HLP │   56,006  │   Vecedit help file                        │
│             │           │                                            │
│ VECEDIT.DOC │   10,782  │   This file!                               │
│             │           │                                            │
│ FILE_ID.DIZ │      456  │   What's this for?                         │
│             │           │                                            │

Now that all that crap is out of the way...

        Greetings!  What is this thing you have downloaded?  It is the
best non-commercial vector editing package I know of.  Best of all it is
FREEWARE.  Use it and distribute it any way you like as long as you do
not charge money for it and all original files are kept intact.  My only
request is that if you use Vecedit to make objects for a demo, you give
me or my demo group a greeting in the demo and mention an FTP site where
Vecedit can be found in the info file!

Official (?) Vecedit FTP sites:   <x2ftp.oulu.fi>    <ftp.cdrom.com>

        This package is intended to be a complete editing system for the
creation of vector objects for realtime graphics.  This package does not
do raytracing, nor does it support super huge objects.  The product that
you have is not crippleware--it is identical to the version I am using
here at home.  It took me around 10 months total for coding, debugging, 
fine-tuning, and writing up the help system.

        In an earlier release of the package, I sorta had a bad attitude
(I figured I'd get swamped with mail so I discouraged people from
sending me mail).  I changed my mind about this.  Any questions or
suggestions you have are gladly answered and greatly appreciated!  I
will also respond to posts about Vecedit in the comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos
(or whatever the name of that group gets changed to).

Here is how to find me:

    Jason P. Hoerner
    256 Eagle Pt. West
    Lake Ozark, MO  65049

    Email:  <[email protected]>

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (well, actually I just made
them up):

What's C00L about Vecedit?

  All graphics are 320x240 Xmode for square pixels
  Support for reasonably large objects (1000 polygons).
  Supports three primitives: prisms, pyramids, and solids of revolution
  Importing/ merging objects together
  Complete set of geometric transformations
  Advanced method of depth sorting
  Polygons with arbitrary number of sides
  Special geometric constraints to insure coplanar polygons
  Lightsource (Lambert) shading
  Gourad shading with vertex normals (no crappy depth shading)
  Specialized gourad shading options (creases)
  Texture mapping

What's new since the last release?

  More intuitive user interface
  "Smarter" interface (fewer decisions required from user)
  Massively improved error checking
  Pull down menu system
  Online cross-referenced help system (no manual needed!)
  Automatic tiling of polygons onto a wireframe object
  Improved group point editing
  Z-plane clipping (get as close to objects as you want)
  Easy polygon color modification
  Built in configuration file (saves palette, path, and setup flags)
  New edge creation features (triangles and prisms)

What suckz about Vecedit?

  Doesn't support any common object storage formats
  Does not have advanced modelling features (Bezier, free form
       deformations, fractal objects, and solid modelling)

What's this "Texedit.exe" thing?

  Texedit is a "texture/gouraud" editor which allows texture and gouraud
shading to be placed on an object.  Texedit is still very buggy (the
version in this release is still a beta version), but it works good if
you don't push it too hard :).  Texedit only supports objects up to
500 polygons, and does NOT do Z-plane intersection (you cannot get too
close to objects or it will crash).  Texedit needs a lot of improvement!

What's this "Conv.exe" thing?

  Conv is a simple vector object conversion utility which converts
Vecedit objects from their native format to a simple text format.  I
plan on creating a generalized conversion utility which will convert
to arbitrary formats based on parsing a C-style script file.  In the
meantime, it should be very easy to convert the text output of
"conv.exe" to whatever format is desired.  Conv.exe will convert any
output files created by Vecedit or Texedit.  I do not intend to create
a conversion utility to convert TO vecedit objects unless there is
significant interest (the ".vec" format is very different from any other
format and converting to it is difficult).

How do I figure this thing out?

Both Vecedit and Texedit have on line cross referenced help systems.
You should start out checking out the "Getting Started" option in the
"Help Contents" of Vecedit.  This will teach you how to load files,
create primitives, and do basic geometric transformations.  Then, once
you have the basics down, you can explore the help index and learn more
on your own.

I want to see some objects NOW!  I don't want to read the help!

OK, OK!  Calm down!  To see objects, go into Vecedit and choose the
"Open" option under "Files" in the main menu.  This can be done by 
clicking on the menu with the mouse or by pressing "ALT-F", followed
by "O".  The up and down arrows are used to select files and "Enter"
loads a file.  Once you press enter, you will see a wireframe version
of the object.  The arrow keys, "+", "-", and the letters "A" and "U"
all do different stuff to move the object around.  To view a solid
filled version of the object, press "ALT-V".  Press "ESC" to exit the
solid view of the object.
        To view objects in Texedit, the same procedure above is
followed, except that in Texedit, the objects are automatically
displayed solid-filled.  The problem in Texedit is that you cannot get
too close to the objects or the editor will crash!!!
        The demo "Technon" by CORE is another way you can see some of
the stuff that can be created in Vecedit.  This demo can be obtained
at  <ftp.cdrom.com>  under the filename "technon.zip", and supports
GUS/SB/NO SOUND.  A 486 is highly recommended although it *sort of*
runs on a 386 (let's just say you have time between frame updates to
go make yourself a snack).

What happens if I delete the configuration files?

New configuration files will automatically be created, with the default
palette for the VGA.

Can I steal the objects from this package and put them in our demo?

Sure, I don't care.  Everyone will consider you a lamer though  :-).
All the objects above are placed in the public domain.

What are your plans for the future?

I intend to continue improving Vecedit, so your suggestions are greatly
appreciated!  I already plan on adding advanced modelling features and
porting to protected mode to remove the annoying memory limits.  I also
plan on switching the coordinates in the program to floating point to
remove annoying accuracy and overflow errors (the display engine will
still use integer math though!).
        I hope Vecedit will set a standard for future vector editing
programs on the demoscene!

Now go make some really cool objects!


Jason P. Hoerner
[email protected]
(Grey Cat/  CORE)