
Speed'n'Ecstasy BBS

                   - A Lötkolben and Kneifzange release -
                                 June 02 1995

                    presenting an Avatar/Nomad production

                        ----- Speed And Ecstasy -----

Hi folks out there!
  Welcome to the first release of an Avatar/Nomad production under
  the Lötkolben&Kneifzange label, giving best conditions for mixed
  demo/wares-purpose productions.

Release notes:
  Date       : June 02 1995
  Size       : 4040 bytes. 1 Disk.
  Type       : BBS intro.

Production Notes:
  Creator   : Avatar/Nomad Productions, Hamburg, Germany
  Requires  : 386+,VGA
  Recommend.: 486DX33+
  Features  : Phong shading
              texture mapping
              LSD-motion blur
              realtime visualization

Author notes:
  Hi again!
  Just a few notes for this one:
    I'm very sorry that this one's so slow, but I had to care
  for the size of this one, so it ended up in 6 calls/hline !
  I couldn't count the calls in the triangle routine at all.
  The design was completely done by me, with initial idea for
  4k-stuff by Nomad and me in summer'94 ('O4P.COM'/Assy94)
  Furthermore I'm very sorry that we have to release via this
  label, but our original HQ (GoldenImage) said 'Nope' on this
  one... too bad...
    Well, time to greet:
  The boys in Espaná - void send(Juan&&Javier,LA), NoisyMan&Co!
  German posse - Jinx, PeterB, die chr(255)_Junx, die DustCrew,
                 alle Demogruppen, die keinen Musikgruppennamen
                 haben (FearFactoryHäretiker!) und die KLF.
  LD-Süd - vergessen, wäs? Die #n habt ihr noch!
    And time for maximes:
  Why coolness? Fun is enough!
  Ok, that's it.
    MET: 23:40.