
Step 2 by Skytech [web]

                     STEP 2 - A demo by the SkyTech Group
                           Presented "just for fun"
                             at Saturne Party 5
                       (aka Saturne Party Unplugged) :)
 ■  the responsibles
 tuo        code       [email protected]
 ze killer  code       [email protected] (until June'98)
 madman     graphs     ---
 dgm        graphs     ---
 shodan     music      [email protected]
 seRb       scanz :)   ---
 ■  the friends
chojin, faxe, zoop, puznik, eller, mog, kraken, phar, roudoudou, skal, rez
lightshow, random, mad process, fahruz, gandalf, Z, magic fred, katana, haplo
shad, made, tikal, fongus, kamui, blood angel, red tomato, mac-mahon, zeb, 
meandus, skeet, joshua, and all others...

...and a VERY warm special fuck to the pumpkin guy(z?)  >B^[==

 ■  the advice
 Although this demo requires nearly 10Mb of free memory, we strongly
 suggest that you use a disk-cacheing software such as Norton Cache, for
 that will REALLY speed up the initial loading of all the stuff... :)
 If you don't do so, then don't complain about that UGLY loading time :))

 ■  some (wise?) words
 Take it as you like, for us it's just humour and self-derision :
 "No Elite, no Lamers, just good friends, good pizzas and good demos!"

 The project is planned since February'97 so don't you tell us it looks like
   this or that...

 Less than 23806 faces doesn't always mean pure shit, or so i hope ;)


 P.S.  : Expect something *special* from "not-only-us" at UCX2 or LTP2...

 P.S.2 : I guess now you eventually got this pizza... heheheh ;)
