
Unusual Suspects by Mandarine [web] & Mankind [web]

				Unusual Suspects


     An Amiga OCS Demo released by Mandarine^Mankind
     at the Evoke 2014 demoparty in Koeln, Germany.

               by alphabetical order :
                  Erk - Music
                   Fra - Code
           Gelmir - End part pixelart
             Polymorph - 3D modeling
          Ptoing - 2D pixelart & 3D modeling

A demo for the Amiga 'Classic' computer range 
(A600 OS3.0 up to A4000 OS3.1), coded in C, 
os-friendly (multitasking and such...).
Need 1 meg of CHIPRAM & 2 megs of FASTRAM.

Source can be found here :

Thanks to Cyg^Blabla for the HigheST technology <3