Spid by B*n
╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ Infos: ───── ╔──────────══════────────────╗ ║ -─-- S P I D -─-- ║ │ A wired 97 Demo. │ │ │ │ Group: B * N │ │ Ansi & Code & gfx: Benadib │ ║ Sfx: Alex Caillard ║ ╚───────────════─────────────╝ ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ Result: ────── - / at the wired 97 (Wasmes, Belgium). ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ Thanks: ─────── Thanks to: John Carmack, Michael Abrash, Chris Hecker, Thomas Pytel, Charles Scheffold, Colin Magne, the Wired 97 assistance, Deodat de Severac and DΣΣPLUΣ of PARANORMAL ACTiViTY ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ About: ────── * Instructions: - To run spid, type spid in the installation directory (spid.bat). - To skip any step of the demo, type ESC at any time. - To exit demo, type A or Q. * Requirements: To run spid, you need at least a 486, with 8MB of ram, a (fast) video card, with vesa 1.2 modes, and a (fast) FPU. Recommended: Pentium 100 MHZ, GUS, 8MB of ram, fast video card. Tested on Pentium 166 MHZ, GUS, 16MB or ram. and Pentium 90MHZ, SB PRO clone, 32MB ram, Cirrus 64xx video card. ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ Features: ──────── * Technical points: -Fast true 3D texture mapping with correction every 24 pixels, true 3D clipping, and Gouraud shading with color mixing tables. -Tunnels, 2D filters, 2D bump mapping with every palette. -Vesa modes, 640x480x256, Vga modes 320x200x256. -True 3D engine, with real-time lighting (unlimited sources), cameras, textures, shading, transparency, sprites, shadows, lans-flares, halos... ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡ Contact: ─────── * Benadib: Group: B * N Laurent Benadiba 20 rue du val Lourron 31170 Tournefeuille Ansi & Code & GFX FRANCE If you have any question, or you want to contact me (specially if you are in the game world), write to me. * Alex Caillard: Group: ? Alex Caillard 16 rue Charles de Foucauld 56380 COETQUIDAN SFX FRANCE ╞────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╡
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