poxoft space invaders 512b by AmiGanS [web]
Short: SPACE INVADERS Variations in 512 bytes Description: classic old game Platform: ZX Spectrum - 48k/128k mode Files: start basic + 512 bytes main code (100% assembler) Author: POXOFT/uZeroNiq 2012 Tested on Didaktik Gama model 1989, ZX Spectrum 48k, ZX Spectrum +2, code not crunched, don┤t use ROM memory. Runable on all (?) ZX Spectrum emulators - set 48k or 128k Control keys: "O" - left, "P" - right, "E" - fire Bonus points: No Features: 1, easy game, two variations, no lives 2, 512 bytes of code, gfx & 48k sfx :-) 3, extracting bytes to other memory 4, short code, but relatively fast 5, main loop as 3 timing frames with one "halt" for start (fire) 6, only for ZX Spectrum :-) 7, one known very sometimes bug in redrawing (collision checking) How to: 1, Insert TAP file 2, Type LOAD "" and press ENTER (ZXS command line - LOAD is keyword on "J" key) 3, Press any key ... 4, Shoot, shoot, shoot ... 5, Enjoy :-) Presented at the demoscene party ... None
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