
NBA Jam TE Cracktro by Hybrid

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                                Proudly Present

║                                                                             ║
║              NBA Jam Tournament Edition CD-Rip (c) Acclaim                  ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Cracked by  │ Jammer                 │ Release Date    │ Oct 8th 1995 PM    ║
║ Supplied by │ Suck my huge!          │ Protection      │ 3 CD-Checks        ║
║ Packaged by │ Hoson                  │ Game Type       │ Basketball         ║
║ Stripped by │ Hoson                  │ Game Rating     │ 90%                ║
║ Requirements: 486DX2-66, 8MB RAM, VGA, 17 MB Free HD-space.                 ║
║                                                                             ║
║  We are glad to bring you another great title; NBA Jam Tournament Edition,  ║
║  Cracked by Jammer! We're JAMmin' for sure.... ;)-                          ║
║                                                                             ║
║  This game wipes the floor with any other basketball game out there, the    ║
║  programmers at Iguana really knows how to program fast VGA routines.       ║
║  The game is DAMN fast and very well programmed. It's not as good as the    ║
║  Sony PlayStation version, but for being the PC it rocks! And it does use   ║
║  some of the Sony code (I heard). The players look a bit funny though;      ║
║  Their heads are kinda big compared to their bodies, but it's probably due  ║
║  to the fact that they feature real-time scaling in 320x400 VGA mode!       ║
║                                                                             ║
║  What has been taken out?                                                   ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   ║
║  * 87MB of .AVI files                                                       ║
║  * 7 CD-audio tracks                                                        ║
║                                                                             ║
║  All sound F/X and all speech and all gamefiles are still there! GO PLAY!   ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Installation & gamenotes:                                                  ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                  ║
║  Unzip all the files to a directory and run INSTALL.EXE.                    ║
║  After installation, type SETSOUND to configure your soundcard.             ║
║  NBA.BAT launches the game.                                                 ║
║                                                                             ║
║  What's up with Hybrid?                                                     ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     ║
║  Celestial Wizard is now one of the leaders together with me and BlueWater, ║
║  he's something of an artist when it comes to ripping. Congrats!            ║
║                                                                             ║
║  We've got a new member, namely Marauder - formerly a senior of the old     ║
║  Razor 1911. Welcome aboard you wascally wabbit!                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║  The Undertaker decided to join Razor 1911 CD. We fare thee well!           ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Lately, some of our releases has been screwed up in one way or another.    ║
║  We're sorry for that, but we'll try to explain:                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Our Euro HQ, Fatal Future is currently offline. But it will be back online ║
║  soon....                                                                   ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Crusader: No Remorse - Welp, what can I say? We forgot to remove the file  ║
║                         attributes, which caused the Hybrid installer to    ║
║                         hang. We also forgot to include the savagame dir,   ║
║                         which made it impossible to save. These probs       ║
║                         were easily solved by extracting the files with     ║
║                         the regular ARJ util and afterwards creating an     ║
║                         empty directory called 'savegame' in the gamedir.   ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Caesar II            - Virus somewhere in this release has been detected   ║
║                         in SOME versions. It was not in there when we       ║
║                         put it out, and we don't know who put it in. Beware!║
║                                                                             ║
║  Command & Conquer    - You can't get it to work? Well, then you got the    ║
║                         version that was spread on the InterNet. That one   ║
║                         contains hidden CRC-errors in almost every single   ║
║                         archive. There is an 7MB fix file on the INET for   ║
║                         this. The version that was uploaded on most BBS's   ║
║                         in the USA and Europe is correct though. Sorry for  ║
║                         the inconvenience, but I was experiencing fatal     ║
║                         server errors with my InterNet provier.             ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Personal greets to:                                                        ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                        ║
║  Chainsaw Massacre, Celestial Wizard, BlueWater, MadCap, Cyber and Jammer.  ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Group greets:                                                              ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                              ║
║  Eclipse, DOD, Phoenix and Tyranny.                                         ║
║                                                                             ║

║                                                                             ║
║                               Hybrid Membership                             ║
║                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ║
║                     BlueWater, Celestial Wizard and Hoson                   ║
║                                                                             ║
║    Big Balls, ChainSaw MasSacre, The Comanche, Crackpot, Cyber, The Doc,    ║
║ The Druid, Excessive Knight, Ice, Jammer, Marauder, MindBender, Mad Gunman, ║
║  Mad Monkey, Mad Turnip, Misha, Mod, Mr.Terry, Physco Stik, Randall Flagg,  ║
║     Replicator, Specie, The Renegade Chemist, Widget, Wildcard and Zeus.    ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Asmodeus, Black Magic, Chaft, Dark Hosis, Cujo, Maverick, Practical Joker,  ║
║               Prophet, Ryu & Ken, Sharp, Ticker, and Ustasa.                ║
║                                                                             ║

║                                                                             ║
║  Park Central          World HQ      16 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  CP/Silver V   ║
║  The S.I.L.O           US HQ          6 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  The Comanche  ║
║  Robin's First Orgasm  Canada HQ      5 Nodes   613-XXX-XXXX  Big Balls     ║
║  Fatal Future          Euro HQ       10 Nodes   +46-OFF-LINE  MindBender    ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Central Station       Dutch HQ       2 Nodes   +31-XXX-XXXX  Widget        ║
║  East BBS              Swedish HQ     3 Nodes   +46-XXX-XXXX  Mr.Terry      ║
║  Druid's Keep          Australian HQ  8 Nodes   +61-XXX-XXXX  The Druid     ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Club Congo            Memberboard    3 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  Specie        ║
║  No Bitchin' Allowed   Memberboard    3 Nodes   XXX-XXX-XXXX  The Doc       ║
║                                                                             ║
║  April Fools           Affiliate      3 Nodes   613-XXX-XXXX  PJoker        ║
║  Acheron               Affiliate      3 Nodes   214-XXX-XXXX  Bababooey     ║
║                                                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Lxxxxxx Axxxxx        FTP Site      50 Nodes   XX.XXX.X.XXX  XXX           ║
║                                                                             ║

║                                                                             ║
║   You may contact Hybrid for any reasons (joining, fan/hate-mail, etc.)     ║
║   using one of the services listed beneath;                                 ║
║                                                                             ║
║   Americans, e-mail us at: [email protected]                                  ║
║   Europeans, e-mail us at: [email protected]                               ║
║                                                                             ║
║                       IRC: #hybrid                                          ║
║                                                                             ║
║                       WWW: http://www.coming.soon                           ║
║                                                                             ║
║                snail-mail: Hybrid                                           ║
║                            Kyrkog. 40                                       ║
║                            EuroBox 179                                      ║
║                            S-411 15  GOTHENBURG                             ║
║                            Sweden                                           ║
║                                                                             ║

                               Today's wise quote:

                                "WE are jammin'!"