Textro by OTM
T E X T R O an introductory demo by OTM Welcome to Textro, OTM's first production. It has taken us over a year since our group was organized to make a true demo, but the wait is over. - Files Included - TEXTRO.EXE The demo itself TEXTRO.GDM "Dextrous" composed by Stalker, playable through OmniPlayer by Zilym Limms *.MSE Sound and Music Engine loadable device drivers, BWSB v1.15 by Zilym Limms TEXTRO.00? Data files TEXTRO.NFO This file...surprise! OTM-NFO.EXE OTM info loader coded by Hurricane FILE_ID.DIZ BBS file description - Hardware Requirements - This demo requires the following to run: 80386 or higher microprocessor A VGA monitor and register compatible VGA card About 512k free conventional memory The following sound cards are supported: Sound Blaster 1.x, 2.x, and compatibles Sound Blaster Pro Sound Blaster 16 Proaudio Spectrum/PAS+/PAS16 and compatibles Gravis Ultrasound - Technical Info - Textro was coded in a mixture of assembler and Turbo Pascal. Since this demo uses an extremely low resolution video mode, it was not necessary to write the entire demo in assembler, this saved us a great deal of time. The only video modes used in Textro are 80x25 and 80x50 text modes. If you don't believe us, try running Textro under windows from a full screen DOS box, and switch from full screen to a window during the demo. Textro will run VERY SLOWLY because of poor hardware management under windows, but it should be obvious that no high resolution graphics modes are being used, because it is not possible to run a program using such a video mode in a window. Most of the scenes in Textro look like they are textmode, with the exception of the wireframe vector routines by Phred. This code uses character set remapping before each frame to draw the line segments needed to compose the object. If you still don't believe us, run in a window and you will see a lot of garbage characters on the screen, because windows doesn't allow character set remapping unless an application is running full screen. In reality, textmode provides the programmer with a wider range of cell colors than any standard VGA graphics mode. The combination of 16 foreground colors, 16 background colors, and the 4 standard halftone characters give a total of 1024 unique color combinations for each cell. This attribute of textmode is demonstrated by the plasma and voxel landscape portions of Textro. In order to utilize these features to their fullest extent, Hurricane created numerous utilities for converting images to textmode and computing an optimum palette. These utilities were used to convert the images used in the lens effect and the multidirectional scroller, as well as to convert the texture map for the voxel landscape. This code, which was originally used to do color matching in digitized sprites, may be released at a future date. When running Textro, try using the arrow keys to navigate through the voxel landscape. If no keys are pressed, a random Bezier spline path through the landscape will be followed. - Textro History - Textro was Hurricane's brainchild, and consequently he did the majority of the coding for this demo. The sound and music code was done by Zilym Limms, and the remaining code by Phred and Voltaire. The fine music in this demo was composed by Stalker, and the artwork was made by Supreme and Nameshift. As the name implies, Textro began as an intro. Hurricane caught the textmode bug after he and Voltaire viewed a demo called Lunatic by Extreme. The final scene in Lunatic was a textmode vector cube, and Hurricane thought it was just about the most incredible thing he had ever seen. Soon afterward, he began pushing us to do some textmode effects, but we ignored him because we thought of textmode as lousy considering the vast array of higher resolution video modes availible on the PC. Hurricane didn't give up easily. He put together some textmode effects and started spreading them around to the rest of the group. Soon enough, we all caught the textmode bug. We figured that a textmode intro would be a perfect first production for us. It would give us a chance to brush up on our design and organization skills using a demo that would not be extremely tough to code, and the result would be a truly original production. As the project picked up steam, Hurricane coded some more effects, Zilym finished his sound and music engine, and Phred and Voltaire each offered to code a scene in the area of their expertise. It soon became obvious that Textro would be slightly too big to be called an intro, but we kept the name because it had such a nice ring to it. We have only seen a few other textmode productions. They range from the filled character textmode vectors in Lunatic, to a simple textmode production with a scroller and a plasma, to an intro called 'textro' which was a text file in a nicely coded graphics mode viewer. In our opinion, our Textro is the definitive textmode production because it combines a wide range of effects, including many that to our knowledge have never been implemented in textmode until now. - The Near Future - What is currently cooking in Arizona? Quite a bit actually. The majority of OTM members are currently enrolled in school. Phred, Hurricane, and Voltaire are all studying computer science/electrical engineering at various universities, and the rest of OTM is in high school. Therefore, school takes up a large chunk of our time. In addition to making demos, the majority of OTM members are also working, some of us are working for commercial software companies, while others are working on video games. As for the future, OTM plans on thrilling the world with more impressive demos. Voltaire and Phred are constantly improving their respective 3d rendering code, which will surely be put to use in many future productions. Zilym is also working on his sound and music engine, adding support for more sound cards, new file formats, and performing general enhancements. - Final Words - We really hope you enjoyed Textro, because we had a lot of fun making it. Hurricane said he would like to see some more textmode productions released, possibly even a textmode demo compo? :) Happy coding... -- Voltaire/OTM
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