Synd Pa Fuglemannen by Calamity
CALAMITY presents Synd På Fuglemannen Intro ============================================================================ Info: This demo was coded in XXXX time By CPiX And Raftman for our cool composer Birdman.. Birdman went to school one day and the thing is .. he never got to school that day:)... insted, he walked on a car and fuckup he's Leg.. he cant walk any more ... aleast until he gets hes bandasje of:)... Hardreqs..: 590Kb of Convential Memory GUS for Sound DOS or WIN95 ... and shit ... CREDITS: =====-=====-=====> Code: Raftman , CPiX Music: Oce^Proxima^Sublogic (thanx dude!) Gfx: Raftman Please .. do not shake the HDD when running this demo ... BTW: Sorry, icouldent make it work on a Atari2600 .. some problems with the Graphic interface.. sorry.. Greets: Twaddler, calvin, Roma, oce, credex, kravits, baffle, arcane grimlock, Yitzach, dreamer, sunday, Jmagic, Cortex, Performer, Pharaoh, Vitas, Pinnochio, skjeggspir, Gravedigger, STormy, Darktroper, and all other scene dudes... and Happy Birthday to : Twaddler, Oce, Roma and Bounty!!! ... let the scene be with you_:=))... CPix ...
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