
agent 42: antti mustakallio crosses the street by Coma

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          - C O M M U N I T Y  O F  M O R A L  A D V A N C E M E N T -
 ║                          Agentti 42 - Agent 42                           ║
 ║                                                                          ║
 ║                    Antti Mustakallio ylittää kadun                       ║
 ║                  Antti Mustakallio crosses the street                    ║

                   Released at Abduction'96 party.

                   To accomplish this mission you must have:

                   a 386 computer with 4mb

                   To ensure succesful mission you
                   must have atleast:

                   a 486 66mhz and VLB or PCI videocard

                   For english text:  a42.exe /kissa


                        Antti Mustakallio as ...... Antti Mustakallio

                   Also starring:

                        Director                  Virne
                        Theme composed by         Groo
                        Director of photography   McGurk

                        Music replay routine      Asmu, WL
                        Protected Mode            Tran

                   During the shooting of video material we
                   developed new way to compress video data.

                   Latest version of

                       "Virtual Eternity Video Packer"

                   is also for sale, just mail [email protected]

- - - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - -clip here - - - -

                  CALL HYDE PARK COMA WHQ: +358-17-6171891

                          AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!

- - - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - -clip here - - - -


                      email : [email protected] <- no typo!

                      virne : jani lainesalo
                              etu-hatilantie 54
                              13270 hml

- - - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - - clip here - -clip here - - - -