
quest by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS

               /   \  ___________            ___      ___________
              /\   /\/           \ stingray /   \    /           \
             /  \_/  \________    \  /prc  /\___/\  /\___________/\
            /    /   //    /\ \    \      /    /  \/    \        \ \
           /    /   //    /__\/    /\    /    /   /\     \________\/
          /    /   //    ____/    /  \  /    /   /  \________     \
         /    /   //    /\   \    \  / /    /   / ___\______/\    /\
         \___/   / \___/  \___\    \/  \   /   / /            \__/  \
          \  \  /   \  \  /    \    \   \_/   /  \______________/   /  ___
    ___    \__\/     \__\/      \    \   \\  /    \             \  /  /   \
   /   \_________________________\    \ __\\/______\_____________\/__/    /\
   \__                            \    \                                 /  \
    \ \____________________________\    \ ______________________________/   /
     \_\                            \___/\                              \  /
        \____________________________\  \ \______________________________\/
                                 P r e s e n t s

                                   - QUEST -

 Main Code:                                               Hastur
 Intro/Extro Code:                                        Talpa

 Pics, Textures, Objects:                                 Ransom
 Start Logo and "Ufo and Sea" pic:                        Bandy

 Main music:                                              Nutman
 Endpart music:                                           Flower

 Design, story and motions:                               Darkhawk

COMMENTS:               Released at SymMekka 2k-1

                   WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING

Uhmm, due to the deadline coming close and all other options exhausted, we
had to do a lame thing known on the PC, eh.. Better make sure you have
aprox. 14 mb of free space on your HD partition with Quest, AFTER install,
ehhh heheh uhhmm hummm.. We are sorry, but otherwise you'd have to have more
than 16mb of Fastram to view this, because most crunchers take a hell lot
of mem to decrunch. Titanics does not, it loads AND decrunches at the same
time, a very smart thing when the demo itself takes just about all free
ram. Unluckily Titanics does not work on 060, so we had to, in some short
and hectic hours, "invent" our own solution to this problem. This solution
WORKS, but requires some space to work, SORRY! After viewing the demo, your
hd will be cleared again, naturally, except if the demo should crash before
finishing. Then, there'll be a file in your Quest dir called Quest.SWP
(This is soooo lame, sorry, but time was running out :()


                  The biggest project we have ever done!
        This demo was made in 7 days, 'cos it's only an 3d-engine, so
                              it was dead easy!
                 We hate all people who make demos this way! ;)

   This demo is, like almost all other demos these days, best viewed on a 060'.
    Infact we did not really dare watch it on other specs, but we have it from
     more or less reliable witnesses that it should also run on 030' and 040'
        Amiga's. It needs 020+ and 16mb of Fastram to run, no FPU needed.

     Be sure to read the background story BEFORE the demo starts (by pressing RMB
     on the first logo screen, or you'll get very confused with the story in the

     If you want to contact the authors of this demo, try spamming
                            these emails:

                    Bandy    - [email protected]
                    Flower   - [email protected]
                    Darkhawk - [email protected]         
                    Hastur   - [email protected]
                    Nutman   - [email protected]
                    Ransom   - [email protected]
                    Talpa    - [email protected]

                            Feedback welcome :)


        We are currently looking for graphicians, swappers, and coders.
             If you consider joining please contact Darkhawk
                        via email or via snailmail

                             Christian Hviid
                             Lµss°egade 78, 1
                              5230 Odense M

                You should also try to visit our homepage



                           Released April 1999