
Neo-Neo! by Napalm

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d<-- [ iNFoRMaTioNz ] ------------------------------------ [ iNFoRMaTioNz ]/-->
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            \/            TITLE      : NEO-NEO !                       \/
                          DATE       : 04/09/00
                          CODED BY   : DANZiG/NAPALM

<-- [ WHaT iS iT?! ] ------------------------------------ [ WHaT iS iT?! ] -->

    Greets, DANZiG at the keyboard.  Here we offer you the 1st of its kind,
  a simple demo for what is probably the coolest handheld, the NeoGeo Pocket
  Color.  Don't expect too much, I knocked it up yesterday for you all, entirely
asm.  Its your standard fare intro style demo.  I could have done much more, but
           to hell with that that.  Being 1st on the scene is enough :)

                Look for more stuff from us in the near future!

                                            - [email protected]

PS: no guarantees on it working on the real thing, we only tried it on that
    famous Jap ngp emu (which kix arse btw)

<-- [ MoRe STuFF ] ---------------------------------------- [ MoRe STuFF ] -->

<-- [ NaPaLM WWW ] ---------------------------------------- [ NaPaLM WWW ] -->

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