
Evolver by Jeskola! Productions

Actually this demo is called Evolver, but you can call it for example
"Homo", "Regulator Carborator gone kakkad", "Rahat puiiis", "Lulu's
hemoroid delight", "Hot spinchter passion", "Jätkät sohlaa dp:llä tossa
vieressä", "If you can't speak Finnish, get out of the scene", "Brutal
Man", "Tough tenkos", "Bad punk", "Bad ninja vs. the cosmic monsters",
"Infinite ultimate super visions", "The man of doom", "Paine", "Genital
Infinity", "Realms of terror", "Spar-majoneesi", "Spar-perunalastut",
"Perunasämpylä", "Juustopatonki", "Ulosheittäjä", "Organisointi (sux)",
"Take me gently from behind", "Yhdyntä", "Seksi", "Vittu", "Pillu",
"Anaali", "Suuseksi", "MP", "Apua Pää", "Äijjä", "69", "17461872", "Yeah
yeah rock'n'roll", "9700-linjoista johtunut puhelinlasku",
"dA rokkenroll king", "Elvis", "Eric Clapton lives", "K&R", "Gathering The
Scene In A Network", "Gory Sorsimo Network", "Lastenraiskaaja Simo L.",
"The terrifying dark vengeance of the superfighters that come from the
blue planet that doesn't exist in this world", "Kung-fu fighting man",
"Tribute to homo-head", "Hän voitti!!", "Oho", "518", "Jeah jeah jeah",
"Dsdsh ornage my ass", "Joululaulu", "Starbase loader", "Nyt Jate meni
tupakalle", "Myllyjärvi Massacre", "Take me gently from front", "Mun pitää
lopettaa hetkeks", "Cybelius has left the building", "Razorback laughs",
"Vittu mä tätä jaksa", "Mcbacon", "Big mac", "Big mac meal", "Intercourse",
"Greasy shit", "Da man that raves to da beat of da funkah tenk0", "Fanta",
"Coke light (sucks?)", "Itämafia, uhka Suomen tulevaisuudelle vai ei?",
"Will Norway and Sweden join EU afterall?", "Kokemuksiani seurakunnan
nuorisotyöstä", "Erilaiset visailut - Suosittua tv:n ohjelmistoa",
"Loppiais-intro 5", "3rd Neoreality", "Tie huipulle", "Mitkä seikat
vaikuttavat kodin/koulun/työpaikan viihtyvyyteen?", "If you can't read
this, your monitor is turned off", "Kevennys", "Suomen maantieteellisen
aseman etuja ja haittoja", "Animal orgy", "Animal passion", "Animal
bizarre", "Liikumiseen ja kunnosta huolehtimiseen on monia mahdollisuuksia;
Tilat, varusteet ja välineet voivat olla siinä tärkeitä tai samantekeviä -
Also titled the logo that was never drawn", "Kuntosali, toinen kotini",
"Strawberry lubber", "En kaipaa kuntosalia", "Kallista ja halpaa urheilua",
"Koskenkorva peach", "Koskenkorvan viina", "Viina", "Pöytäviina", "Pöytä",
"Tuoli", "Lanttu", "Nauris", "Kauriin kääntöpiiri", "Regulator carborator
II", "The return of the regulator carborator", "Vertaile kahta ilmiötä",
"Miten minut on kasvatettu ja miten kasvattaisin omat lapseni?", "Tummat
ruusut", "I miss you", "If you don't know me by now", "Stairway to heaven",
"Stairway to this partyplace's toilet", "Beer", "Beer makes eyes look redder",
"Toivekonserttini", "Syphilis", "Gonhorrea", "Klamydia", "HIV", "Aids",
"Papillons", "Herpes", "Heppi", "Interaktiivinen multimediaesitys", "Demu",
"Ammatinvalinta ja suunnitelma", "Osaavatko alle 18-vuotiaat nuoret ottaa
vastuun ja pitää huolta raskaudesta ja vauvasta?", "Heikko kohtani ja
vahvat puoleni", "My twisted imagination", "Brutales (pompompom)",
"(pompompompomzikzakpum)", "The final child murderer of kingdom
brotherhood", "Banana lubber", "Lubber", "Phyuk", "Urheiluhenki", or you
can make up your own name, if it's not in this list. You can mail it to us
later if you want to.

                                - Jeskola! Productions staff, 13th of
                                 November 1994 on Nordic Line Party -

We in Jeskola! decided to release this piece of shit after all. We kinda wanted
to get something released and show the demo that  we made for  the  Nordic Line
lamerparty, because lamers like the bananafarmer Shakir seem to  be jumping  on
our eyes everywhere.. This demo was just made to compete in  NL-party, we would
have made it something bigger, but JMagic was unable to code before  the  party
in Jyväskylä, and when we started planning a release-version, he found out that
his sourcedisks were fucked up. Actually only good part in  this  demo  is  the
gouraudshaded donut (a damn fast one too), so try to enjoy it at least ...  AND
AND RIP OUT HIS (girls aren't that stupid) RECTUM AND GIVE IT TO IVY'S DOG! ...
Just in case someone wants to know, the  complete  Jeskola!  memberstatus  is :
lemming, JMagic, Jate, iVY, Betacarotine, Kowtow,  Delsion,  Deetsay,  Chanel5.
All coding in this demu was done by JMagic, (and no, we didn't make  the stupid
torso , we just kinda 'included' it for the compo) quickie graphics are done by
Jate , and the background in the donutpart  is  done  by  Reward/Complex  (used
with  his permission), and the music is done by Deetsay.  Well, our early merry
xmases go to the best in Acid, Anarchy-PC, Ansi Factory, Avance , Blank  (where
the fuck are you guys?!), Bonzai, Capacala, Cascada VRS, Chaos, Coma,  Complex,
Desire, Deus,Fascination,Flatline, Gollum, Grif, HiRMU, Hubaveikot, iCE, Inapt,
Insane, Jamm, Just For Fun,  Logic Design, Machine Fun Crew,  Majic 12,  Mental
Design, Orange,  Prime,  Rehab Team, Sma Posse, Symptom, Topaz Beerline,Tribal,
Virtual Visions,  Wild Light,  Zoom and for people like Shakir or Reaper  we'd
like to tell the good old F4CG-slogan: "Imagine the future, because you're not
in it" ..

Infofiles are lame and unoriginal but I still think we should  include  the how
to get in touch crap.. give a call to our boards:

 Name:                     Status:         Sysop:                Number:

 Invalid Environment       World HQ        lemming/Jeskola!      +35841666715
 Da Vulva                  Member Board    iVY/Jeskola!          +35841245011
 Morning Star              Member Board    Betacarotine/Jeskola! +35851PRIVATE
 Sinestudio                Member Board    Deetsay/Jeskola!      +358413110417
 The Toilet With etc       Member Board    Jate/Jeskola!         +35841TEMPDOWN
 Soul Asylum               Fin Distro #1   Fear/Mental Design    +3580TEMPDOWN
 Juve Rehab                Fin Distro #2   Snake Man/Nexus       +358PRIVATE*4
 Dark Tower                Fin Distro #3   Braindead/Coma        +3580TEMPDOWN
 Solarium                  Fin Distro #4   Peak/Anarchy          +358313170851
 Venture                   Fin Distro #5   Pizza/Corp            +35808092126
 Neutral Disease           Fin Distro #6   Drow/Tribal           +35858611259
 Spasm-O-Tron              Canada HQ #1    Snibble               +15147445718
 Lost Innocence            Canada HQ #2    Bigboy/S!P            +14162675467
 Myriad Synergy            Canada HQ #3    Jaydee/Astek          +14182854838
 ACE BBS                   France HQ       Gandalf/Infiny        +33145887548
 Magican                   Germany HQ      Byte,Fish,Walker/255  +49421TEMPDOWN
 Farpoint Station          Germany Dist #1 Stingray/TC           +49420276145
 Experimental Collection   Hungary HQ      ATX/Machine Fun       +3612757049/N
 Fuzzy Logic               Netherlands HQ  Mr Fanatic/SMA Posse  +31252121926
 Supreme Court             ND Distro #1    Steel/Supreme         +31165051850
 Sledge Hammer             ND Distro #2    Hammer/Supreme        +31703681743
 Sidewalk Café             Norway HQ       Twin Killer/Gollum    +4735512227
 Wonderland                Switzerland HQ  Pfusuus & Mutineer    +4164473046
 The Powergrid             USA HQ #1       Syntax/iCE            +1XXXXXXXXXX
 Infinite Darkness         USA HQ #2       Midnight Sorrow       +13057928716
 Piracetam                 USA HQ #3       Burning Chrome        +18139963902
 Despair 2                 USA HQ #4       Usul                  +17083013948

Stupid  questions and fanmail can be  e-mailed  to  [email protected],  also
JMagic ([email protected]) should be  found on  IRC 24h/day.  For swapping,
contact lemming. Cya in Herning?

                         - Jeskola! Productions staff, 1st of December, 1994 -