
Adrift by Wild Light



				    DRIFT II

			Table of contents
			I   -  General Information
			II  -  Technical information
			III -  Trouble shooting
			IV  -  How to contact us

			I   -  General Information

		After a long time of inactivity Wild Light presents a new
	production: Adrift, an intro for The Party'96. We ran completely out
	of time making this intro and we got the competition version ready
	just before the deadline. Unfortunately it was way too slow and dark
	on the big screen. Here comes the final version with at least
	some fixes. Hope you like it.

	In this package you should find following files:

		ADRIFT.EXE, 65513 bytes
		ADRIFT.TXT, 4590 bytes
		FILE_ID.DIZ, 115 bytes

		We have been extremely busy lately. Asmu and our new musician
	S^tone were about a year in the finnish army since Asm'95 and
	currently Siffo and Nobody have been in the army since Asm'96.
	As you might have noticed, Vulture has changed his alias to Siffo and
	Odd Monk has changed it to OM.

	So the current member list looks like this:

		Name             Alias     Job

		Timo Sihvo       Siffo     Coder
		Samu Uimonen     Asmu      Coder
		Tommi Uimonen    Nobody    Musician
		Petteri Hiisilä  S^tone    Musician
		Tuomas Murole    OM        Graphic artist
		Mikko Heikkilä   Preacher  Graphic artist

			II  -  Technical Information

		Adrift runs in protected mode under our own extender.
	It should work under DOS with all configurations like clean, HIMEM,
	EMM386 or QEMM. The extender don't support DPMI yet, so Adrift won't
	work under Windows or OS/2. We use 486 and FPU instructions, so
	you need at least 486DX processor to run this. There was no space for
	detection routines, so if you try this on a 386 or slower it will
	probably just crash. :) 
		You should have set the BLASTER or ULTRASND environment
	variables correctly if you wanna use the autodetect option in the
	menu. The song takes over 800K, so you need 1MB DRAM on your GUS
	for it.

		Adrift supports two video modes. The low resolution mode
	is a tweaked 320x240 and it should work with a standard VGA graphics
	card. The high resolution mode is a 640x480 VESA mode and it should
	work with VESA compatible SVGA graphics cards. The high resolution
	mode needs a very fast machine and graphics card, for example P150
	with a Matrox Millenium. We recommend the low resolution mode for
	slower machines, because it's so much faster and looks better.

		With GUS or no sound Adrift requires 4MB memory for low
	resolution mode and 8MB for high resolution mode. Minimum requirement
	is about 420K low memory and 1800K high memory (lowres, no sound).
	Sound Blaster requires some extra memory for samples and the surround
	effects sound quite bad in mono..:)

			III -  Trouble shooting

	The intro crashes when you run it:
		- Run the intro before any other programs
		- Try different boot confiqurations
		- Make sure you have a 486DX or better

	Autodetect won't find your card:
		- Check your environment variables
		- Here's the examples for port 220H and IRQ 7
		set ULTRASND = 220,1,1,7,7      (port,dma1,dma2,gusirq,sbirq)
		set BLASTER = A220 I7 D1 T1     (port,irq,dma,cardver)

	GUS won't start music:
		- Run ULTRINIT before running the intro

	GUS plays some crap:
		- Make sure you have 1MB memory on your card

	Something else happens:
		- What on Earth could happen? ;)
		- You just have to fiqure it out by yourself
		- We would be clad to hear about all bugs you can find

			IV  -  How to contact us


	Snail mail:
	Timo Sihvo
	Mustakallionkuja 11
	55610 Imatra


	[email protected]