
Relativity Magazine #1

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    ▌                   ∞ R E L A T I V I T Y  E M A G ∞                    ░▌
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 ║ ▌█▓▒░     G R O U P    N E W S    A N D   I N F O R M A T I O N      ░▒▓█▐ ║
   │││                                                                    │││
   │││   This is a special greeting to all who have witnessed the rise    │││
   │││   and fall of RCN since the very day it began. I think it was a    │││
   │││   bit of a loss for everyone however it inspired me to take on a   │││
   │││   new challenge. I foundered Relativity Emag the night I found     │││
   │││   out that RCN passed away. I then took the initiative to gather   │││
   │││   some experienced members from various sources. We plan to bring  │││
   │││   out the best eye catching emag to all who cherish the scene and  │││
   │││   all it encompasses. It's time to show the world that we really   │││
   │││   are the best emag in the scene.                                  │││
   │││                                                        -En|{rypt   │││
   │││                                                                    │││
   │││   We are proud to present the very first release of our emag and   │││
   │││   we are sure you will enjoy its quality and content above all     │││
   │││   else. Although, we have managed to present the best eye catching │││
   │││   animated graphics and routines in a short time and this really   │││
   │││   makes our emag unique compared to the other Emags. We will       │││
   │││   continue to do so until infinity ends.                           │││
   │││                                                                    │││
 │                                                                            │

 ║ ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐  R E V   M E M B E R S H I P  ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐ ║
   │                          ∞ L E A D E R S ∞                            │
 ║                                                                           ║
 ║                          |MuadDib| ∞ En|{rypt                             ║
 ║                                                                           ║
   │                          ∞ A R T I S T S ∞                            │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │                En|{rypt ∞ Ex-Con ∞ Jearom               │     │
    │     │                ScOrPiOnZ ∞ Synthetic Death              │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │     │
    │     │ │                   ∞ C O D E R S ∞                   │ │     │
    │     │ ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │                   En|{rypt ∞ |MuadDib|                  │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
   │                        ∞ R E C R U I T E R S ∞                        │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │          En|{rypt ∞ ScOrPiOnZ ∞ Synthetic Death         │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │     │
    │     │ │                 ∞ S E C U R I T Y ∞                 │ │     │
    │     │ ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ │     │
    │     │                         SQUiZZY                         │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
   │                          ∞ T R A C K E R S ∞                          │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │               ScOrPiOnZ ∞ Synthetic Death               │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
   │                        ∞ W E B M A S T E R S ∞                        │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │             En|{rypt ∞ MuadDib ∞ Zaddicus               │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │     │
    │     │ │                   ∞ W R I T E R S ∞                 │ │     │
    │     │ ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
    │     │               MuadDib ∞ Biskitboy ∞ En|{rypt            │     │
    │     │            Synthetic Death ∞  Brikz ∞ Zeddicus          │     │
    │     │                       AL ∞ DuctMan                      │     │
    │     │                                                         │     │
  ║                                                                         ║

 ║ ▌█▓▒░  R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐   S P E C I A L  T H A N K S  ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐ ║
   ││                                                                      ││
   ││    This section is devoted to all the people outside the group who   ││
   ││    have contributed to our great emag. The first to appear on our    ││
   ││    list is Edge who has been one of my friends in the scene for a    ││
   ││        long time and who made the ISSUE #- VGA's for our emag.       ││
   ││                                                                      ││
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 ║ ▌█▓▒░  R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐     H O W  T O  A P P L Y     ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐ ║
   ││                                                                      ││
   ││    We are currently in need of lots of WRITERS and maybe 1 or 2      ││
   ││    game reviewers. We are also in need of security bots that can     ││
   ││        be in the channel 24/7. If you can help talk to us in         ││
   ││              our home channel on EFnet at #relativity.               ││
   ││                                                                      ││
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 ║ ▌█▓▒░  R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐     N F O   C R E D I T S     ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐ ║
   ││                                                                      ││
   ││                  NFO Layout and Header Ascii by blak                 ││
   ││                  NFO Updated by ........ on 21.03.97                 ││
   ││                    (c) Relativity Productions 1997                   ││
   ││                                                                      ││
 ║ ▌█▓▒░  R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐     N F O   C R E D I T S     ▌█▓▒░ R E V 9 7 ░▒▓█▐ ║