
Affinity #12 by Canadian Born Coders

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████████████████▐██████▐███████ ▐████████ ██████▄▄▄▄▄ ██████ █████████████████
████████████████▐██████  ██████ ▐██████   ███████████ ██████ █████████████████
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                ▐█▓▒░██  ██████ ▐█▓▒░██               ██████
                ▐██████  ████▓█ ▐██████ -MarkGoh!Smp- ████▓█
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 ▀████████████████████ ▄▄██████ ███████████████████ ▄▄██████ ███████████████▀

╓────────────╖     ─ ──═[=]═── A F F I N I T Y ──═[=]═── ─      ╓────────────╖
║    ┌══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════┐    ║
║ ╓─ ║                                                                  ║ ─╖ ║
║ ║  ║              ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Editors ──═[¡]═── ─ ──               ║  ║ ║
╙─║──║                                                                  ║──║─╜
  ║  ║                   Chief Editor: Mr. Mister                       ║  ║
  ║  ║               Assistant Editor: Fro, RedNex                      ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║              ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Seniors ──═[¡]═── ─ ──               ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Bigman · Basilisk · Cluster One · Dynamite · Esoteric · Jaguar  ║  ║
  ║  ║             Lethal Injection · Lestat · Speedball                ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║               ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Coder ──═[¡]═── ─ ──                ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║                            Mr. Mister                            ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║               ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Music ──═[¡]═── ─ ──                ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║                          Sledge · Tazz                           ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║               ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Maint ──═[¡]═── ─ ──                ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║                Bigman · Klic · KryptKepr · Promo                 ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║              ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Writers ──═[¡]═── ─ ──               ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║    Mr. Mister · RedNex · Fro · Bigman · Sledge · Cluster One     ║  ║
  ║  ║  Speedball · MrPhigg · Shadow Dragon · Vega Centurio · Phoenixx  ║  ║
  ║  ║ Moon Child · Drednought · Basilisk · ApeShit · Sector1 · TCS     ║  ║
  ║  ║ Infiltr8 · TailGate · Dante · Misanthrope · DarkHorse · LordByte ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║              ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Artists ──═[¡]═── ─ ──               ║  ║
  ║  ║                                                                  ║  ║
  ║  ║    Sledge · AceTone · Matricide · Cold Boot · Centurion · Gig    ║  ║
╓─║──║  Black Knight · Lethal Injection · Pyrat · Devoid · Go0 · U_God  ║──║─
║ ║  ║     Blood · MarkGoh · Joker · Flexor · Reap · Ender · Crimson    ║  ║ ║
║ ╙─ ║                                                                  ║ ─╜ ║
║    └══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════┘    ║
║    ┌══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════┐    ║
║ ╓─ ║               ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Sites ──═[¡]═── ─ ──                ║ ─╖ ║
║ ║  ║──══════════════════════╤═══════════════════════╤═══════════════──║  ║ ║
╙─║──║  The Screwy Gecko      │   10    Chameleon     │   Canadian WHQ  ║──║─╜
  ║  ║  Black Crystal         │   05    Nameless      │ Australian HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Demon's Domain        │   07    Demon         │   American HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Pantheon              │   03    Counting Crow │    Belgium HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Cyber Shock           │   05    dARKm00n      │   European HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Nuclear Destruction   │   03    Slayer        │     German HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Lynx                  │   04    Lynx Staff    │    Swedish HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║  Cyber Dream           │   06    Noxious       │    Israeli HQ   ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┼═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  Crimson Corp          │   05    Scorpion      │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Sneakers              │   03    Lord Nitro    │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Unknown Territory     │   02    X-Lite-X      │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Unreal Ecstacy        │   02    Novocaine     │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Light Show            │   01    Ex-Con        │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  The Weyr              │   01    Draven        │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Mystical Castle       │   01    Killa/Sniper  │  CDN Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┼═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  Luxury Delusions      │   02    Centurion     │   OZ Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┼═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  The Evil Empire       │   02    Wizzard       │   GM Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┼═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  Warhammer 2000        │   05    N-Crawler     │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Criminology           │   03    CrimeLord     │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Faded                 │   02    ToTH          │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  No Control            │   02    Bleys         │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  Mos Eisley            │   01    Boba Fett     │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  The Seventh Sentinel  │   01    Napalm Death  │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║  The Atlanta Archives  │   01    Tailgate      │   US Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┴═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  RayTech               │   02    Rayfoo        │   MY Affiliate  ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════┼═══════════════════════┼═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  http://affinity.cns.net                       │  Mr. Mister     ║  ║
  ║  ║  http://www.futureone.com/~damftp/AFT/         │  Shadow Dragon  ║  ║
  ║  ║  http://aft.ml.org/aft                         │  KryptKepr      ║  ║
  ║  ║  ftp://faygo.cns.net/Pub                       │  Esoteric       ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════════════════════════════╧═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║           ── ─ ──═[¡]═── Miscellaneous ──═[¡]═── ─ ──            ║  ║
  ║  ║──══════════════════════════════════════════════╤═══════════════──║  ║
  ║  ║  Golgotha/Affinity SiteOp                      │  Esoteric       ║  ║
╓─║──║  Net Courier Co-ordination                     │  Lestat         ║──║─╖
║ ║  ║  IRC Couriering                                │  Hackjack       ║  ║ ║
║ ╙─ ║  FTP / IRC Couriers Needed!                    │                 ║ ─╜ ║
║    └══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════┘    ║
╙────────────╜                                                  ╙────────────╜
 If you do not find your name listed, you must re-apply and fill out an APP.
 Last Updated Mar 08, 1997                            NFO (c) MarkGoh!Simple