Transformers by Eufrosyne
( T R A N S F O R M E R S ) A u t o b o t v s . D e c e p t i c o n a 64k Intro by Eufrosyne at The Party'98 ( C R E D I T S ) Suckho - Code, Design Bay Tremore - Graphics, Music ( C O N T A C T S ) [email protected] [email protected] ( G R E E T I N G S ) Byterapers, Doomsday, Damones, Hirmu, Scoopex Revelation, Haujobb, Orange, Complex Radio, DCS, Halcyon, Paragon ( N O T E ) This intro was originally made for Assembly'98 demoparty but it was never shown in the compo because it had some serious problems finding videomodes in the competition machine. Because I like this intro quite a lot I didn't want to release it until now at The Party'98. I planned to make some modifications after Asm'98 but due to my military service I haven't had time so this version is almost same as the Asm'98 version. I hope it works now and will kick some ass in the intro competition. enjoy. 10.10.1998 Suckho
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