212 by MadWizards [web]
Short: 212 by Madwizards; 1st at Delirium 2001 Author: Madwizards 2001. Uploader: [email protected] [azzaro] Type: demo/aga ╖ ╖ _|___ __ _ _ _ _ __ ___|_ |/ \| | | THIS IS ONLY A TRAILER! EXPECT FULL EDITION AT OTHER C-PARTY ╖ ╖ i awake from blood thick dreams, washing blame, soflty done from my knees, so secretly. tell it like it is, tell them now ╖ __ ___ _ _______ _ ___ __ _ _______ _ ╖ ____\\/ //-/ ____\ //-/ ____\ /\ //-/ ____\ //-/ _ |░ /--|░___\ /--|░ /--|░ \______/--| | ..| \/ ..| ..| ..| |_______\\/_ _|_________ _ _|________/_ __|_________ _ _| az0!/l124 //__\----------//__\---------//__\----------//__\-- ╖ ╖ mentally disturbed kids from MADWIZARDS proudly presents 212 for selected computer addicted freaks worldwide again & again attend pass for delirium 2001 amiga demonstation competition ╖ ╖ and when i fell like i'm the victim i will come running home to you and i will weep like i will change. perfect time again ╖ ╖ visuals and art direction ---------------------------- azzaro programming and detailed keyframing --------------- kierownik additional modelling and keyframing ----------------- prevent soundtrack ------------------------------------- trevor rabin leding modelling --------------------------------------- ubik ╖ ╖ but i got that special knowledge of the crap that makes your skank head tick. all that brave you like. you deny - yourself ╖ ╖ addict amnesty anadune appendix bohema decree dione dreamweb dualcrew-shining embassy encore ephidrena farbrausch flopi harvester haujobb horizontal lamers kangooroo kolor loveboat luzikdizajn moons nah-kolor nature picsaintloup potion reason replay rno scoopex taski theblacklotus total vision twilight tpolm veezya venture whelpz mono211 monotonik and forgottens ╖ ╖ sometimes all the moments, that we savoured for the last, get crushed between the good and bad, from pressures we have had ╖ ╖ again this is only a test of some new routines and concepts assembled together in rush without any special ideology. this was an kierownik`s idea to make a demo for those small and lousy party in deep woods (we still dont know where those olkusz and partyplace is =) but as always we had a lot of fun while making a new demoproduction for amiga scene. about the title conception - '212' is the international telephone prefix for whole manhattan island and we like new york city last time. truly, kierownik wanted to kick some asses again;) ╖ ╖ i have been biding my time, been so subtly kind, i have got 2 think so selfishly, 'cos you are the face inside of me daily ╖ ╖ requirements goes like always - powerpc based amiga clone, warpos, warp3d version at least 4.2 (additive blendings), 32 megabytes of farstram, ahi sound system v4+ and enough hard disk space. use '?' wildcard on exec for different options. ╖ ╖ so we shall kill construcive might, as your emotions fool you i won't feel restraint, watching you close sense down again ╖ ╖ [email protected] [joining offers], [email protected] [coding troubles], [email protected] [nonstop lazyness]. made in poland between september and october 2001. mawi - total magic w w w . w h a t i s t h e m a w i . n e t ╖ ╖ | | |\ /| »|»»» »» » » » » »» »»»|» ╖ ╖
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