
Dis by Mandula [web]

 d i s
 scenest vs rage '98 demo by mandula

					 r o d     code
				     h y p - x     code
				     f r a m e	   logos
				   c a r l o s 	   music

 demo options:

	-15	15 bit hicolor mode
	-e	256 color emulation
	-s	sound setup

 we used freddy's useless player. the waving picture is called "holding tv"
 painted by a contemporary artist, susan hambleton.

 we are looking for new members
 especially graphicians and 3ds artists. if you feel that you have enough
 talent to join send some of your samples of your work to rod.


				[email protected]
				Gábor Papp
				Margit u. 2/c 2.lh.
				1223 Budapest, Hungary

				phone: (361) 22-82-603

 visit as at http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula
 send emails to [email protected]

 this material is not freeware. you are allowed to copy it without
 restrictions for non-commercial use. no payment of any kind may be
 charged for this product or any combination of products or services
 including this product without our authorization and official written
 license. commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on
 any data storage media and their distribution without the expressed
 permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited. these files
 contained therein may not be altered or modified without the permission
 of the author. you take full responsibility for the operation of this
 software and any consequences thereof. we the creators can not accept
 liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this software.