Untitled by Stibe by Luffe Productions
2004-01-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- untitled by Stibe | silent movie compo entry | Alternative Party V ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This movie was my first entry to any compo. It was published as a Luffe productions' film. Idea for the entry was processed for few days in my mind and shot in the day before the compo. For the movie 403 digital photographs were taken with Canon EOS 10D. Movie was first presented at Alternative Party V, where it was voted on 8th place (out of 11). Final release is compressed with XviD codec. See you at ALT VI (C) Timo Toivonen, 2004 | [email protected] Movie may be freely distributed as long as no money is charged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings fly to: Gfanrend | Setok | Wiztom | Ravel Partycle | #dap03s | #kasvua | All of my friends | All people at Alternative Party V ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks fly to: Mikko Wilson | Pizza ─ssΣ (Best Pizza in Helsinki) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Help with decoding the XviD-compressed videos Please download and install XviD codec. * http://www.xvid.org/ * http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/ Now you should be able to view the film with ie. Windows Media Player. If you get a green picture you have not installed XviD correctly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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