
Monochromatic 2 by Noice [web]

                    -+- Monochromatic 2 by Noice -+-

                     - Released at Assembly 2003 -

Legal Notice:

This demo is free to spread and copy as much as you want.
However, if you put this on a CD availible to the public in any way,
you must send us a copy. Program is provided as is, without any kind
of warranty.

System requirements:

 * To run the binary (MONOCHR2.83P): a Texas Instruments TI83 calculator
   (+ transfer cable!) with ION shell installed.
   An untested TI83+ version (MONOCHR2.8XP) is also included.
 * To view the AVI : A computer with DivX codec installed, and fast enough to
   play the 720x576@25 fps video.

Main Credits:

Coding.............: Andreas Gustafsson (Shadow/Noice)
Graphics...........: Johan Flood (Flood/Noice)
Font...............: Andreas Gustafsson (Shadow/Noice)

Some words from the author:
This is my second demo for the TI83. As you might have guessed, the main thing
in this demo is the filled vector. All precalc tables for the vector + the
intro pics eat up quite a bit of mem, so there wasn't much left for other
effects. Here follows some more in depth part-for-part information:

Intro : A two screens high (96x128) scrolling greyscale picture. The greyscale
is kind of hard to see, but it's there! :)
Chunky-Twirl : Radial twirl running in my 24x16 dither chunky mode.
Filled vector : The (atleast to my knowledge) first filled vector in a TI83
demo. Runs quite smoothly aswell, a bit over 20fps, which is more than
enough on a slow lcd screen!
Chunky-Twirl : Another little chunky effect.
Fire : The classic fire effect, also running in the 24x16 mode.

Finally thanks to Magnus Porsgaard (Safety) for providing the digital
video equipment necessary for recording the AVI.

If you want to contact me (Shadow), send a mail to : [email protected] 


  cryonics - fairlight - replay - obscure - outbreak - hypercube
   medeival - neurotica - tmb - doomsday - komplex - tbl - 4ba
  tazadum - amc - dxm - yodel - session - nature - razor -  taat


  For futher information and more detailed credits visit our web-site.

                www.noice.org - the center of goatology

// noiceteam -- 20030810