Trailway by Capsule
Description: Trailway by Capsule. Keywords: Demo (AGA + 4mb fast) Author: Kustom / Capsule Uploader: [email protected] (Carlos Del Alamo, Estrayk / Capsule) Uploaded-to: /pub/amiga/demos/capsule (02 Oct 1997) _______ _ _ _ _ _ _╕..╕ _ _____ | :: . ,µ╜≈╫ñññ╫≡µ, | |__ _ _ ..|╕╕╕, . :: . . ,▀ñ' `ñ≡ | .::::::::::::╝≡Ñ :: . : í╨┤ ╕▀ Ññ╖╖╖. __ .::::::::::::::╜░ %╛ ╖ :: :: . : .. : ╞▀' _ _╖..µñ░____| : | (┐í&: ╖╖╖:! ╝╜ : :: :: : .:╖╖:. :: .... : | ñ≡º::.. |╖ %╝ í :: :: .::. .: ╖: ________.:____:: .:::%#µ, |::::.. | ╛╜ | :╖_::__:. ╖╖:╖ :: | ,▀╝ ú: :: |___Ñ__| ╖╖╖:::::.!╕ ó╝ | |╜≡ ╪╟ ñ╝, ::.. | ╕╕, `≡%µ,,x⌐: :: : .. . ╖╖╖::#≡, ñ«::::ñ ╨º ╖╖::::▀≡óñ┤ `░ñ░'~| ::╖:::::╖.:::.... .. .▀«╨___|╖╖| ╜╝╛╛╝╜╛╛╝╝% | | :: :::::::::::::::::╖ |________ __ _ _ . ! :: .:::::::::╖╖╖╖╖╖ ╖ :: . :: :: Presents a non-finished production called T R A I L W A Y Released at Euskal Party 5 Credits: Code by Kustom Textures and pics by .Judas Pictures by Zaac Music by Pink That's all. C U in PHASE ONE demo. ESTRAYK / CAPSULE
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